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behave vs pytest: What are the differences?

Behave and Pytest are both popular testing frameworks in Python. Let's explore the key differences between them.

  1. Test Style: One of the main differences between Behave and Pytest is the style of writing tests. Behave follows a behavior-driven development (BDD) approach, where tests are written in a human-readable format using Gherkin syntax. This makes tests more understandable and accessible to non-technical stakeholders. On the other hand, Pytest follows a more traditional test-driven development (TDD) approach, where tests are written in Python code using assertions. This allows for more flexibility in test structure and organization.

  2. Test Discovery: Behave and Pytest have different mechanisms for automatically discovering tests in a project. Behave relies on feature files and step definitions to identify and execute tests. Feature files contain test scenarios written in Gherkin syntax, while step definitions map steps in the scenarios to Python code. Pytest, on the other hand, uses Python modules and functions as test cases. It automatically discovers tests based on naming conventions and a set of predefined rules.

  3. Fixture Support: Fixtures are reusable pieces of code that provide data or set up the test environment. Behave and Pytest handle fixtures differently. Behave provides a built-in mechanism called context to share data between steps and scenarios. This reduces the need for fixtures and simplifies test setup. Pytest, on the other hand, has a powerful fixture mechanism that allows users to define and use fixtures at various scopes (e.g., function, module, session). This provides more flexibility and control over test setup and teardown.

  4. Parallel Execution: Behave and Pytest have different approaches to parallel test execution. Behave does not have native support for parallel execution out of the box. However, it can be combined with other tools (e.g., pytest-xdist) to run tests in parallel. Pytest, on the other hand, has built-in support for parallel execution using the pytest-xdist plugin. This allows tests to be distributed across multiple processes or machines, significantly reducing test execution time.

  5. Test Reporting: Behave and Pytest generate different types of test reports. Behave generates reports in a human-readable format, highlighting the status of each scenario and step. These reports can be viewed in the command-line interface or saved to a file. Pytest, on the other hand, generates reports in various formats, including plain text, HTML, and XML. These reports provide detailed information about test results, including failure messages, traceback, and coverage data.

  6. Community and Ecosystem: Behave and Pytest have vibrant and active communities, but they differ in terms of ecosystem and community support. Pytest has a larger and more mature ecosystem, with a wide range of plugins and extensions available for various testing needs. It also has extensive documentation and a strong community of contributors. Behave, while still popular, has a smaller ecosystem with fewer plugins and resources available. However, it is actively maintained and has a dedicated community of users.

In summary, Behave is a Python behavior-driven development (BDD) framework that allows you to write feature files using the Gherkin language and automate tests with step definitions. Pytest, on the other hand, is a flexible and powerful testing framework that supports various types of tests, including unit, functional, and integration tests, with concise syntax and extensive plugin ecosystem.

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What is behave?

It is behaviour-driven development, Python style. It uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python code.

What is pytest?

A framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries. It is a mature full-featured Python testing tool.

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What are some alternatives to behave and pytest?
Cucumber is a tool that supports Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) - a software development process that aims to enhance software quality and reduce maintenance costs.
Rather than having to commit/push every time you want test out the changes you are making to your .github/workflows/ files (or for any changes to embedded GitHub actions), you can use this tool to run the actions locally. The environment variables and filesystem are all configured to match what GitHub provides.
Beehive is an event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It is modular, flexible and really easy to extend for anyone. It has modules (we call them Hives), so it can interface with, talk to, or retrieve information from Twitter, Tumblr, Email, IRC, Jabber, RSS, Jenkins, Hue - to name just a few.
It is a very simple BDD tool based on the Cucumber, which currently has many more features than Lettuce. It aims the most common tasks on BDD and it focus specially on those that make BDD so fun.
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
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