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Blazor vs Retool: What are the differences?

<Write Introduction here>
  1. Language: Blazor uses C# and Razor syntax for building interactive web UIs, while Retool uses a custom scripting language inspired by JavaScript for building custom internal tools and apps.

  2. Purpose: Blazor is designed for creating web applications using .NET and C# on the client-side, allowing code sharing between client and server, whereas Retool focuses on rapid development of internal tools by easily connecting to databases, APIs, and services.

  3. Deployment: Blazor applications can be deployed as a standalone application or hosted in a web server, while Retool provides a cloud-based platform for hosting the applications created using its interface.

  4. Integration: Blazor integrates seamlessly with existing .NET libraries and services, enabling easy access to a wide range of functionalities, while Retool offers integrations with various SaaS services and databases for quick development.

  5. Community Support: Blazor benefits from a strong community due to its association with .NET, offering a wealth of resources and forums for developers, whereas Retool has a smaller but dedicated community focused on building internal tools efficiently.

  6. Pricing Model: Blazor is an open-source framework under the .NET ecosystem, making it free to use and deploy, while Retool follows a subscription-based pricing model depending on the number of users and features required.

In Summary, Blazor and Retool differ in their language, purpose, deployment options, integration capabilities, community support, and pricing models.
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Pros of Blazor
Pros of Retool
  • 62
    Uses C#
  • 48
    No need to learn separate language or technology
  • 41
    Supports making a single page application
  • 39
    Tight integration with .NET project
  • 37
    Uses .NET standard library
  • 30
    Very little JavaScript required
  • 29
  • 27
    Shared classes between client and server
  • 27
    No need to compile, bundle and deploy separately
  • 24
    Cross Platform
  • 21
    Has Server AND Client hosting models
  • 18
    Very easy JavaScript interop if required
  • 17
    Third party state management i.e. Blazor-State
  • 14
    App state can be managed singleton objects
  • 4
    Portable Code across Mobile, Web and Desktop
  • 2
    Work with Electron/MAUI
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    Cons of Blazor
    Cons of Retool
    • 4
      Initial load time
    • 2
      Hard to inject javascript
      Be the first to leave a con

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      What is Blazor?

      Blazor is a .NET web framework that runs in any browser. You author Blazor apps using C#/Razor and HTML.

      What is Retool?

      Retool is the fast way to build internal tools. Drag-and-drop our building blocks and connect them to your databases and APIs to build your own tools, instantly. Built by developers, for developers. Trusted by startups and Fortune 500s.

      Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

      What companies use Blazor?
      What companies use Retool?
      See which teams inside your own company are using Blazor or Retool.
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      What tools integrate with Blazor?
      What tools integrate with Retool?

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      What are some alternatives to Blazor and Retool?
      Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it's easy to try it out on a small feature in an existing project.
      JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
      It is the fastest way to build web applications in Java. It automates the communication between your server and the browser and gives you a high-level component API for all Vaadin components
      Xamarin’s Mono-based products enable .NET developers to use their existing code, libraries and tools (including Visual Studio*), as well as skills in .NET and the C# programming language, to create mobile applications for the industry’s most widely-used mobile devices, including Android-based smartphones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
      Flutter is a mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.
      See all alternatives