BlazeMeter vs Selenium

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BlazeMeter vs Selenium: What are the differences?

  1. Testing Approach: BlazeMeter is a performance testing tool that focuses on simulating high traffic loads to test a system's performance under stress. On the other hand, Selenium is an automation testing tool that is primarily used for functional testing to automate web browsers for testing purposes.

  2. Deployment: BlazeMeter is a cloud-based solution, providing scalability and ease of access for testers to run tests from anywhere. In contrast, Selenium requires the setup of test environments and infrastructure, making it more suitable for in-house testing teams.

  3. Language Support: Selenium supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, etc., allowing testers to choose a language they are comfortable with. BlazeMeter, on the other hand, primarily relies on JMeter scripts, which may be a limitation for testers who prefer other languages.

  4. Reporting and Analytics: BlazeMeter offers advanced reporting and analytics features, providing detailed insights into test results and performance metrics. Selenium provides basic reporting capabilities and may require additional plugins or third-party tools for more advanced reporting.

  5. Integration: BlazeMeter seamlessly integrates with various continuous integration tools like Jenkins, TeamCity, etc., for running performance tests as part of the build process. While Selenium can also be integrated with CI tools, the process may require more configuration and setup.

  6. Learning Curve: BlazeMeter has a relatively steeper learning curve due to its focus on performance testing and using JMeter scripts. Selenium, being more popular and widely adopted, has a larger community and more resources available for learning, making it easier for testers to get started.

In Summary, the key differences between BlazeMeter and Selenium lie in their testing approach, deployment, language support, reporting capabilities, integration options, and learning curve suitability for different testing requirements.

Advice on BlazeMeter and Selenium
Needs advice

we are having one web application developed in Reacts.js. in the application, we have only 4 to 5 pages that we need to test. I am having experience in selenium with java. Please suggets which tool I should use. and why ............................ ............................ .............................

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Prashanth Marappa
Senior Software Engineer at Mphasis · | 1 upvotes · 218.7K views

with the help of selenium we can automate react js for functional testing

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Pros of BlazeMeter
Pros of Selenium
  • 10
    I can run load tests without needing JMeter scripts.
  • 3
    Easy to prepare JMeter workers
  • 175
    Automates browsers
  • 154
  • 101
    Essential tool for running test automation
  • 24
  • 24
    Remote Control
  • 8
    Data crawling
  • 7
    Supports end to end testing
  • 6
    Easy set up
  • 6
    Functional testing
  • 4
    The Most flexible monitoring system
  • 3
    End to End Testing
  • 3
    Easy to integrate with build tools
  • 2
    Comparing the performance selenium is faster than jasm
  • 2
    Record and playback
  • 2
    Compatible with Python
  • 2
    Easy to scale
  • 2
    Integration Tests
  • 0
    Integrated into Selenium-Jupiter framework

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Cons of BlazeMeter
Cons of Selenium
  • 1
  • 1
    UI centric
  • 8
    Flaky tests
  • 4
    Slow as needs to make browser (even with no gui)
  • 2
    Update browser drivers

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What is BlazeMeter?

Simulate any user scenario for webapps, websites, mobile apps or web services. 100% Apache JMeter compatible. Scalable from 1 to 1,000,000+ concurrent users.<br>

What is Selenium?

Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.

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What are some alternatives to BlazeMeter and Selenium?
Flood IO
Performance testing with Flood increases customer satisfaction and confidence in your production apps and reduces business risk.
Gatling is a highly capable load testing tool. It is designed for ease of use, maintainability and high performance. Out of the box, Gatling comes with excellent support of the HTTP protocol that makes it a tool of choice for load testing any HTTP server. As the core engine is actually protocol agnostic, it is perfectly possible to implement support for other protocols. For example, Gatling currently also ships JMS support.
Load Impact
It is performance testing platform brings performance testing to the developer’s turf. Developers of all skill levels are able to easily pick up manual testing with it and simply transition to the more modern principles of DevOps and performance testing automation.
Keep tabs on all aspects of your API's performance with uptime monitoring, integration testing, logging and real-time monitoring.
It is a load testing platform that brings the low cost power of the cloud to JMeter and other open source load testing tools.
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