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Sherlock vs What are the differences?

Sherlock: The easiest way to understand your product’s user engagement. Set up in less than 10 minutes. Sherlock uses Segment data to give product teams visibility into users who are most engaged with their app. Dig deep and get essential details for each one of your users. Understand how they are using your product, how often and when. Essential insights for any product makers; Track, analyse & improve the important KPI's. Learn more about your customers with individual visitor timelines and metrics that are customised to your web or mobile app.

Sherlock and can be primarily classified as "Customer Analytics" tools.

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    What is Sherlock?

    Sherlock uses Segment data to give product teams visibility into users who are most engaged with their app. Dig deep and get essential details for each one of your users. Understand how they are using your product, how often and when. Essential insights for any product makers.

    What is

    Learn more about your customers with individual visitor timelines and metrics that are customised to your web or mobile app.

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    What are some alternatives to Sherlock and
    Woopra unites customer data from your company's web, mobile, email automation, product, and more, to build a single, complete profile for each user. This is the foundation for creating better customer experiences through optimization.
    Personas is a new product built on the Segment platform. With Personas, you can take the context from every past customer conversation with you to the next.
    It enables all businesses to track anything and everything on their web or mobile application on the cloud, and conduct sophisticated analysis such as segmentation, funnel analysis and cohort analysis with just a few clicks in a web browser.
    SendGrid Email Analytics by Keen IO
    SendGrid Email Analytics by Keen IO is the fastest way to analyze the performance of your email campaigns and take action. Compare campaigns and tests and download a list of users who performed any action. Use downloaded lists to keep your lists clean and drive up email performance with better campaigns.
    Koko Analytics
    It is an open-source analytics plugin for WordPress that does not use any external services and respects your visitors’ privacy. Stats will be collected right away after you install and activate the plugin.
    See all alternatives