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Sketch vs UXPin: What are the differences?


In the world of design tools, Sketch and UXPin are two popular choices among designers. Understanding the key differences between the two can help designers choose the right tool for their specific needs.

  1. Interface and Ease of Use: Sketch has a more focused interface tailored for creating designs, making it intuitive and user-friendly for designers. On the other hand, UXPin offers a more robust set of features, which can make the interface slightly more complex and overwhelming for new users.

  2. Collaboration Features: UXPin excels in collaboration features, allowing real-time collaboration, feedback, and version control, making it a preferable choice for teams working on a project together. Sketch, on the other hand, lacks such robust collaboration tools, making it more suitable for solo designers.

  3. Prototyping Capabilities: UXPin specializes in prototyping and interaction design, offering a wide range of interactive elements and animations. Sketch, while it has some basic prototyping features, is more focused on static design creation rather than interactive prototypes.

  4. Plugins and Integration: Sketch has a vast library of plugins that extend its functionality, allowing users to tailor the tool to their specific needs. UXPin, on the other hand, has fewer plugins but offers seamless integration with other design tools and project management platforms.

  5. Price and Licensing: Sketch follows a one-time purchase model, making it a more cost-effective option for individual designers or small teams. UXPin, on the other hand, operates on a subscription-based model, which can be more expensive for users in the long run, especially for larger teams or enterprises.

  6. Responsive Design: UXPin provides advanced features for creating responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, making it a preferred choice for designing mobile apps and websites. Sketch has basic responsive design features but may require additional plugins for more advanced responsive design capabilities.

In Summary, understanding the key differences between Sketch and UXPin in terms of interface, collaboration, prototyping, plugins, pricing, and responsive design can help designers choose the right tool based on their specific requirements.

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Pros of Sketch
Pros of UXPin
  • 23
    Lightweight alternative to Photoshop
  • 11
    Mirror designs on mobile devices
  • 9
    Reusable elements/components
  • 7
  • 5
    Plugins for everything
  • 2
    Real-time design preview on iOS devices
  • 1
    Constant updates
  • 1
    Thought for UI design
  • 5
    Semantic UI support
  • 5
    Can make unique interactions
  • 2
    Jira Integration
  • 2
  • 2
    Design Systems
  • 1
    Co-Design together real-time with designers on my team
  • 1
    Design Libraries Auto-Generated
  • 1
    Animated Gif Support
  • 1
    Unlimited Previews (no charge for reviewers)
  • 1
    Document and Annotate Designs
  • 1
    Unlimited Storage for all file types
  • 1
    Sketch Integration
  • 1
    Photoshop Integration
  • 1
    Sharing prototypes on mobile device
  • 1
    Prebuilt & Customizable UI Patterns

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Cons of Sketch
Cons of UXPin
  • 4
    Not for Windows
  • 3
    Horrible for slide presentations
  • 1
    No free tier

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What is Sketch?

Easily create complex shapes with our state-of-the-art vector boolean operations and take advantage of our extensive layer styles.

What is UXPin?

It is a code-based design tool that merges design and engineering into one unified process. Thanks to conditional interactions, variables, state-based animations, and powerful expressions, you can build prototypes that feel like the real thing. In other words, anything that's on the web can be accurately prototyped in UXPin.

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What are some alternatives to Sketch and UXPin?
Adobe XD
A vector-based tool developed and published by Adobe Inc for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps.
Framer is a JavaScript framework that makes creating realistic prototypes a breeze – complete with filters, spring physics and full 3D effects. Framer Generator is a desktop app that imports the resources and folder hierarchy from Photoshop files (Sketch coming soon). Import your design and immediately start to add interaction and animation.
InVision lets you create stunningly realistic interactive wireframes and prototypes without compromising your creative vision.
Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration. It keeps everyone on the same page. Focus on the work instead of fighting your tools.
Balsamiq Mockups is a web tool that allows users to mock up different designs and ideas quickly and easily. Balsamic Mockups is similar to drawing mockups, but it is digital
See all alternatives