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A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
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What is Weex?

Weex renders code in native widgets in Android & iOS and helps preserve the quality of user experience on critical platforms.
Weex is a tool in the Mobile UI Frameworks category of a tech stack.
Weex is an open source tool with 18.2K GitHub stars and 2.1K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Weex's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Weex?

26 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Weex.
Pros of Weex
Backed by Apache and Alibaba
Hot reload
Cross platform
Web platform capable
VueJS based
Almost "batteries included"

Weex Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Weex?
React Native
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about - learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.
NativeScript enables developers to build native apps for iOS, Android and Windows Universal while sharing the application code across the platforms. When building the application UI, developers use our libraries, which abstract the differences between the native platforms.
Free and open source, Ionic offers a library of mobile and desktop-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components for building highly interactive apps. Use with Angular, React, Vue, or plain JavaScript.
Flutter is a mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it's easy to try it out on a small feature in an existing project.
See all alternatives

Weex's Followers
55 developers follow Weex to keep up with related blogs and decisions.