Avatar of Prakhar Vatsa

Ever since the introduction of the PWA, I felt forced to learn JS, React, and Angular. I encountered WASM, which compiles Go/Rust to JS. I decided to give go a shot and made a simple weather PWA that tells the weather of various Japanese cities. It was 40x faster than Transcrypt and 0.9x faster than regular JS. Go is even simpler than Python when coming to tools like list comprehension and Pandas.

11 upvotes·2 comments·79.7K views
Cezary Wagner
Cezary Wagner
March 30th 2022 at 9:26AM

Go is faster and simpler language but less expressive than Python. You just need more code to do same. For me major advantage go is speed and easy exe generation. Whatever I more often use Python since it 2-3 times more productive that any other language so I spend more on thinking than on coding :)

April 8th 2022 at 6:24PM

> Go is even simpler than Python when coming to tools like list comprehension

Do you have an example? I'm surprised to hear this, python's list comprehension is pretty good.

Needs advice

I am unhappy. When doing my research, I heard Python is useless. Data science is an unworthy field thanks to TensorFlow, and web scraping has also become pointless since the introduction of the PWA. Since PWAs are only frontend, I feel forced to learn JavaScript, and to ditch Python. I love Python with all my mind, it's simplicity, conciseness, and easiness as a tool. Here are a few questions:

  1. Should I forget Python and move on?
  2. Are there any PWA alternatives to JavaScript/TypeScript. I've been thinking of using Python for WASM and use HTML+CSS for the DOM to create the PWA. Is this possible?
  3. Why is JavaScript such a pain in the butt
  4. What's the point of me learning Python if it's not useful for web development?
8 upvotes·97.4K views
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Engineer Counselor at IBPT·

You should not ditch or forget Python because of what you hear or because of one particular project. It's probably going to stay relevant and useful for the coming 20 years. If you're a programmer, you should however be prepared to use several tools, and programming languages are just part of the toolbox (like HTML or CSS, but also your IDE, powershell, linux commands, etc.) It's not for nothing that this site is called "stackshare".

8 upvotes·76.1K views
Software Engineer, Entrepreneur at ABE Media·

Python is great for data science but it's not very performant and eats up loads of resources. I recommend that you give Go a go. It's easy to learn and very fast!

6 upvotes·75K views
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Needs advice

Basically, I am looking for a good language that compiles to Java and JavaScript(and can use their libraries/frameworks). These JVM languages seem good to me, but I have no interest in Android. Which programming language is the best of these? I am looking for one with high money and something functional.

Edit: Kotlin was originally on this list but I removed it since I had no interest in Android

6 upvotes·42.4K views
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Clojure is a Lisp dialect, so if you like Lisp that's probably the way to go. Scala is more popular and broadly used, and has a larger job market especially for data engineering. Both are functional but Scala is more interoperable with Java libraries, probably a big factor in its popularity. I prefer Scala for a number of reasons, but in terms of jobs Scala is the clear leader.

6 upvotes·2 comments·41.3K views
Chris Howe-Jones
Chris Howe-Jones
February 17th 2022 at 6:42PM

I would disagree that Scala is more interoperable with java libraries altho it depends. I agree implementing abstract classes if required might be more tricky but simply calling Java is simple.

I've not used Scala.js but JavaScript interop is simple in Clojure and React.js is particularly well supported.

Jean Casteaux
Jean Casteaux
September 11th 2022 at 12:40PM

Scala.js interop with JS is amazing too, and there are numerous projects to integrate seamlessly with the React world. For instance: https://slinky.dev/


Scala has more momentum. It is good for back-end programming. The popular big data framework Spark is written in Scala. Spark is a marketable skill.

If you need to program something very dynamic like old school A.I., Clojure is attractive. You would chose Scala if prefer a statically typed language, and Clojure if you prefer a dynamically typed language.

4 upvotes·1 comment·41.3K views
Alex Peake
Alex Peake
February 15th 2022 at 3:43PM

Adding to what Sami said, Scala is a more complex language to learn(for example, you need to know about co-variance and contra-variance], but it is extremely powerful, and has more compile time safety. Closure is a relatively simple language to learn, and just as capable for whatever you need to do. It has more type safety than you might at first think, with the ability to declare types. It also has a macro language, which I find enhances productivity.

Both have well paying jobs available, probably more jobs for Scala. If I am writing for my own projects, I prefer the simplicity of Clojure.

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Needs advice

I love Node.js and MongoDB (A database that goes well with Node). I will use it for embedded systems and backends for web apps. I have questions for frontend JS:

  1. Which front end JavaScript framework is good for web apps

  2. Which front end JS framework is good for PWAs(progressive web apps)

Backstory: I experimented with Javascript. Built lots of things with it. I want to organize my Javascript toolset by seeing which tool is useful when(e.g. use Angular for enterprise, use Vanilla for fun, etc.)

5 upvotes·42K views
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I have a view that Angular js changed its design patterns too frequently and messed up while trying to be too obsessive. Vue 3 is simple powerful, high performance and brings the composition API that also brings overall simplicity. It can be done using pure JavaScript and in my view that's a plus point in development, if you are experienced developer and avoid type mistakes etc..

Most other frontend frameworks support Vue. For e.g. Ionic..

The server side rendering can bring magic of SEO friendly sites while being single page application.

9 upvotes·40.7K views

I've been using AngularJS and Vue.js extensively and can recommend AngularJS in a more enterprise environment and Vue.js for personal projects. AngularJS has, in my humble opinion, a lot of boilerplate code, which is useful keeping things organised in a team setup. Vue.js has a more minimalistic approach.

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Out of curiosity, when my coding instructor for Python did some commands on his computer, he told me learning any sort of terminal command interface (e.g. GNU Bash, PowerShell, Zsh ) will make me understand systems and how computers work and would make me know the basics of systems programming (although I am more into web development). I immediately went curious, out of my time, and looked up some command line interfaces to learn. It gave me bash, shell, zsh, powershell, etc. All these are really confusing, and they all seem the same. I want to be a terminal dweller, so which of the terminal related things should I learn? I think Bash, since it can replace Powershell on Windows, and has all the Linux/macOS systems.

5 upvotes·31.9K views
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Escaped Notions·
GNU Bash

I use GNU bash - the latest version, currently 5.2 - as my daily driver, on macOS, Linux, and Windows regularly.

I do this because modern bash has features comparable to zsh with the largest community.

On Windows, I use git-for-windows bash which is GNU bash compiled via the msys2 project, which also bundles various GNU/Linux core utilities. If you're using Windows, you should get to know the https://msys2.org/ and https://gitforwindows.org/ projects, which themselves rely on cygwin. Mainly keep in mind the helper cygpath to convert paths back and forth - some things will need Windows style paths.

You can also easily call powershell from bash.

4 upvotes·159 views
Astrophysicist / Principal SOE at ESA / ESOC / OPS-OAX, Telespazio VEGA Deutschland·

Well, it is alway a matter of taste.

But to share my own experience, using Unix Shells ever since 1988, and also PowerShell for some period of time. If you want to script Windows OS as an Administrator, PowerShell is a good option. If you want to administer all different kinds of UNIX OS, bash will be available on almost all of them. If you want to develop software and have the freedom to choose, I recommend zsh, better yet oh-my-zsh.

4 upvotes·1 comment·608 views
Yoram Kornatzky
Yoram Kornatzky
June 4th 2022 at 3:16PM

Try the Linux kind of shells. Best zsh but bash is also good. They are for Linux and MacOSX. The Windows PowerShell has no use outside Windows. It will expand your understanding of programming. As you will learn the concepts of pipes, input and output redirection, and the general use of command-line tools. It is a must for any serious student of programming and more importantly for programmers in general.

Needs advice

I will use Elixir for personal projects. It's productive, reliable, secure, simple, etc. But when performance is critical, I need job opportunities, when I work with mutability, which do I pick? I need advice on which "bureaucratic, mainstream" programming language to pick when wanting performance and jobs. Elixir is often "slow", and it hasn't boomed yet the way Golang and Rust have, so which?

4 upvotes·126.6K views
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Lead Software Developer at Blaqueyard·

Well for those performant tasks maybe you can use Rust nifs for elixir. Elixir enables to write fault-tolerant, scalable code for concurrent systems, and as such, it is perfect for messaging systems and web applications that might need to handle a lot of users efficiently. But if you need speed you can plug in Rust or write a microservice using Goland/Rust.

Writing Rust NIFs for Elixir With Rustler | Blog | simplabs (simplabs.com)
3 upvotes·59.7K views

I would advocate for Node. It seems you are trying to fill your stack with a front end, a back end, and a database, but don't know your database. based on that, I would advocate for the MERN stack. based on the MEAN stack: Mongo, Express, React, and Node. Frankly, it's about choice, and since you are going to use performance heavy and cloud heavy things like video chat, I'd advocate for Node over Express.

4 upvotes·8.4K views
Needs advice
C langC lang

When working on Python, I noticed that Python is only useful for data science. I am looking for a programming language that:

  • Is different in terms of paradigm(I used OO only in Python for data analysis, I want something that is a different paradigm to improve my coding skills)

  • Is excellent at systems engineering

  • Will enhance my Python projects and basically make Python better

  • Has an excellent future, will skyrocket in terms of demand

  • Is very performant, excellent performance

  • Has a steep learning curve(it's because I want a simple language and an advanced language in my stack)

I found these two languages to fit my needs, and I need help choosing. Which would be better for me considering my needs

3 upvotes·59.1K views
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Software Engineer - Level III at Arch Global Services·

Rust is more useful compared to C on some cases like in web assembly. C is more tedious to code. Rust is modern and has a lot more of opportunities. If you are also investing for the future I recommend Rust over C.

2 upvotes·58.6K views

It must be Rust, It absorbs the advantages of other languages,safe, good performance and develop quickly, The community is also growing and active. I think there are some difficulties to learn Rust, but when you have mastered it, you will write good programs than C lang

1 upvote·58.1K views

All programming languages are cross platform except Java, but even that's not that bad. Performance: C(++), Go, Rust, Java, Ada, OCaml, Haskell, C# Apps: JS, TS, ReScript, Go, C(++), Java, Haskell, C#, Dart Security: Java, Go, Rust, COBOL, C(++), C# Compatibility: Java(due to it's VM), C(++), Go, C# Libraries: Java, Go, C(++), C# Documentation: Java, C(++) (since they are mature) What do you mean without getting lost in the language? I'd not advocate for C(or C++), considering it's hard to understand the memory, and it's for those into programming theory. You are looking for all you need. Go for Java, it has a library for everything, it has a reasonable learning curve, and pretty much you are going to encounter it everywhere- it's like a programming black hole you can't escape.

2 upvotes·3 comments·78K views
Cezary Wagner
Cezary Wagner
March 30th 2022 at 9:23PM

Java is wrong for Computer Science - slow coding 2-4 more code.

Python/C++ beats Java in all aspects. Python can be enough if you do not want to create commercial Desktop Application.

I think that is not target. Python support all paradigm of programming and have links to many C++ libraries which speed is not comparable to Java.

Speed of execution is nothing I give you example - I go to coder/hacker tournament.

I wrote Python solution for 5 complex problems in one day.

After this I found that they prefer C++ too much so I rewrite this in C++ in 2 days.

If I was start this problems in C++ I will be never finish my algorithms prototypes in 5 days (Python is extremely productive - 4x-8x times ...).

So if I want write some complex algorithm is much better to draw this in Python.

In most case it is not need to rewrite this and Python code is the most clear from all languages if you know how to code of course.

1 solution on 20 is need to be rewritten - no reason to write 2-4 more code in Java or 2-3 more code in C++ to get speed .25s instead 1s :)

I writing in Python application for telco doing more than 100 000 000 per year.

I use Java only to code Desktop Application or to get more money because someone like to pay.

Personally for me Java is very poor cousin of C++ and Python little slow and rich True Object Oriented Language.

Speed of coding == more money or more creation.

Speed of execution == 1$ of savings :)

Simon Banks
Simon Banks
May 4th 2022 at 9:30AM

Horses for courses.. If you need speed then C is only beaten by Assembler/Machine code and that is hard to use. If I don't need speed for efficiency then I generally Python. Replaced Perl for me and is a lot more readable.

Prakhar Vatsa
Prakhar Vatsa
May 7th 2022 at 7:27PM

Perl is way more productive than you think.. The most productive languages are the message-passing OOP family(smalltalk, eiffel, delphi, objective-c), then perl and julia, then the functional family(haskell, ocaml, elixir, erlang, f#, reasonml, sml), then the mainstreams(Python, C++, Java/C#, Go), then lisp/js, then the old languages. so if you exclude the "dead" languages(including perl), then julia/haskell is your only bet.
