Anthony Chiboucas
Recent Tech Decisions
20 points


  • Google Charts

    #<User:0x00007fbe60d6fbe8> Undisclosed

    Reporting and analytics for users'.

  • CakePHP

    #<User:0x00007fbe3745beb8> Undisclosed

    Admin interface for users.

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

    #<User:0x00007fbe60e18860> Undisclosed

    Subset of Beanstalk for all environments.

  • Amazon S3

    #<User:0x00007fbe60de1ea0> Undisclosed

    Static storage to make user uploaded content available across all Elastic Beanstalk instances.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    #<User:0x00007fbe60d79800> Undisclosed

    All server-side deployments go to one of 5 EB environments.