Recent Tech Decisions
71 points


  • Stack Overflow

    MyklClason my-stack

    I use Stack Overflow quite often to get quick answers to questions I have while developing.

  • Ubuntu

    MyklClason my-stack

    Cloud9 IDE uses Ubuntu, so indirectly I built apps with Ubuntu.

  • AWS Cloud9

    MyklClason my-stack

    I use Cloud9 as my preferred Rails development environment. It saves me a lot time and trouble compared to developing locally (I run Windows).

  • Skype

    MyklClason my-stack

    Skype is one of the better methods I've found for IM communication, and most of my clients have it. Mostly use it when there is a need for screensharing.

  • Mailgun

    MyklClason my-stack

    Mailgun is my goto when I need to send email from within a web app.

  • Google Drive

    MyklClason my-stack

    Google drive is rather useful for shared editing of documents and specs.

  • Heroku

    MyklClason my-stack

    All my apps have been deployed using Heroku. I've found it very easy to use.

  • GitHub

    MyklClason my-stack

    GitHub is very nice for team coding.

  • Trello

    MyklClason my-stack

    I use Trello for organizing projects. Typically I break a project up into sections, add and prioritize tasks for each section. For largest projects, I'll break it into multiple trello boards.

  • PostgreSQL

    MyklClason my-stack

    Heroku recommends PostgreSQL, so I use it and it seems to work well enough.

  • New Relic

    MyklClason my-stack

    New Relic is awesome for monitoring app performance and status.

  • Ruby

    MyklClason my-stack

    Rails is built on Ruby, so in the end Ruby is Rails.

  • Slack

    MyklClason my-stack

    Slack is very nice for team chats.

  • Git

    MyklClason my-stack

    Rails and Git go hand in hand. My .profile is filled with Bash aliases for Git.

  • jQuery

    MyklClason my-stack

    I use a bit of jQuery here and there for AJAX.

  • Rails

    MyklClason my-stack

    As a web app developer, all of my web apps have been built with Rails.

  • Bootstrap

    MyklClason my-stack

    Bootstrap is great for getting an MVP working when function matters more than form and MVPs are what I do.