Joel Davison
Junior Web Developer | Ngakkan Nyaagu
Recent Tech Decisions
27 points


  • RSpec

    #<User:0x00007f6e68a61c28> KO app API

    RSpec is used to run automated tests, mostly for the purpose of integration testing when developing on top of V1 of the API.

  • Rails

    #<User:0x00007f6e6730b380> KO app API

    For this project rails was ideal due to new features introduced in Rails 5 that allowed us to build a lightweight "API only" project. Developer familiarity and the ability to rapidly iterate, as well as providing an accessible testing framework were additional factors.

  • Apache HTTP Server

    #<User:0x00007f6e2e7dad40> KO app API

    The API is hosted on a VPS alongside the WordPress site for efficient access to the database.

  • MySQL

    #<User:0x00007f6e2e7fe4c0> KO app API

    The existing WordPress database had been built on MySQL, a large portion of the API is built around configuring the endpoints for the data that already exists in this database.

  • RubyMine

    #<User:0x00007f6e34ed1738> KO app API

    RubyMine is the IDE of choice for this project due to window management, testing integration and refactoring capabilities.

  • Pry

    #<User:0x00007f6e351ccc80> KO app API

    Pry is used for better error handling when dealing with complex database entries that would otherwise congest the terminal