Needs advice
Angular Material Angular Material

I am a novice to AngularJS, but I have a strong web development background. I need help with the pros and cons of choosing the Angular Material or PrimeNg for our new application. Our new application will be using Angular for the front-end and .NET Core for the Web API. I looked at both tools and leaned toward Angular Material. It would be beneficial if I could obtain some expert advice from the community.

6 upvotes·214.8K views
Replies (1)
Angular Material

It's a kind of tricky question, but here are my 2 cents. I have worked with both the Angular Material and the PrimeNg.

If you are looking for something fast and very rich in components and options then your choice is PrimeNg you can start right away developing the application and adding features pages etc.

On the other hand, Angular material is very limited in ready-made components you will have to create a lot of stuff. But this gives a lot of flexibility but is time-consuming.

For me, the main is how quickly you need the app UP and running, also if the app will have some crazy UI/UX elements and features then PrimeNg is not your best solution.

If I have to put it in simple terms PrimeNg is an already made theme, change requires work and somtimes it is imposible, but Angular material is a bootstrap kind of thing you create everything and use it as you like.

One particular struggle with PrimeNg has always been the dificulties of changing the designed/default behaviour of the ready made components. With material, you make the behaviour.

My advice will be to see the mockups of the app you are creating, if it's just plain normal app back-office functionality kind of then choose PrimeNg, if it's somethig fancy, shiny, and glittering then Angular Material. The things to consider are:

-how fast - primeNg (no option there) -how flexible - angular material -how custom - angular material, primeNg (paid)

considering money is not an issue, with primeNg will have to spend some money. Hope this helps :) best of luck with the app

5 upvotes·4.3K views
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Alex Le
