37 points


  • Small but powerful

    April 02, 2016 18:26

    This compact framework provided me flexibility. I can implement my own design pattern either MVC or something else. What caught my attention the most was its built-in ORM that can accommodate SQL and NoSql database. That means I can have my MongoSql and SQL queries written by those compatible raw sql statements but still creates ORM models the same way as nosql. Consider for example: $user=new DB\SQL\Mapper($db,'users');// for sql db $user=new DB\Mongo\Mapper($db,'users'); // for mongo db then $user = $user->load('id = 1');

    Thanks to its high modularity, I can add more fat to my liking. There's also Cortex ORM f3 extension which handles join tables. Also, handles sessions, routing, and config with ease and let you organize them neatly. That's just a few of the handful features without much weight and with fast performance. One drawback is smaller community, but didn't disappoint me.

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