• Server Side: \ For the server, we decide to mainly focus on Python since it is the most popular language for machine learning and our product will be focused on computer vision based on machine learning. Besides, every member of the team is proficient in Python and capable to contribute to both development and testing. Moreover, there are lots of machine learning libraries available for Python and we will be using PyTorch. Another factor that leads to this decision is Dr. Tsai provides us an existing solution for other sports and it is using Python and PyTorch and it is working pretty well. So we decide to stay with these tools to develop our product so that it is much easier not only for us to get started but also for our primary customer to accept and use it as a solution. Since we are building a backend server, we will also use Flask which is a microframework for Python web development. We have considered using Django but Flask is more lightweight than Django and Flask could help to keep the code simple and clean. Although Flask is a microframework, it has a large number of libraries and it could be as powerful as Django with those libraries while not containing any unwanted functionalities. As for deployment, we decide to deploy our web app on Heroku for the demonstration purpose of the course. The biggest advantage of Heroku is it is completely free but it could fulfill our needs in the early stage of development. However, it might be a good idea to deploy it in CSI’s server for the production version since the data it collects and stores could potentially contain sensitive and confidential information.
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