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  • Great App Through the Eyes of a Sysadmin Turned CTO

    July 23, 2014 21:27

    I've been a systems administrator most of my career. Everywhere I went, I'd have to rebuild the same monitoring + graphing system. And then make sure that every machine wrote to that system and every application handed up the proper metrics through whatever mechanism seemed good at the time.

    Then, as CTO of SimpleReach, single-handedly managing over 200 servers in addition to everything else, I found Datadog. We were already using statsd to instrument our applications, now it was just a matter of getting that data to Datadog. We use Chef, so I installed the Datadog agent on every machine in about 10 minutes and we were up and running.

    The best part was that we had a deploy problem the next day with one of our main applications and troubleshooting took minutes instead of hours (and Datadog immediately paid for itself). Now no new features go out without instrumentation and no machine gets created without being monitored.

    Datadog just scales with us. Great service and I highly recommend it to anyone not looking to reinvent the wheel with monitoring and instrumentation.

    Ease of Use Documentation Reliability Support