Rocky Gray
Recent Tech Decisions
35 points


  • Laravel

    grocky SimpleStack

    Quick and dirty APIs.

  • Apache HTTP Server

    grocky SimpleStack

    Because nginx doesn't play well on Heroku for some reason.

  • Bootstrap

    grocky SimpleStack

    Pretty, responsive and adaptive front ends.

  • Redis

    grocky SimpleStack

    Speed things up a bit.

  • Heroku

    grocky SimpleStack

    Host application and automated deployments for prod and non-prod.

  • GitHub

    grocky SimpleStack

    Share code and store it remotely.

  • Atom

    grocky SimpleStack

    Editing code and writing documentation (markdown support).

  • PhpStorm

    grocky SimpleStack

    Writing software, navigating code bases, and refactoring code. Intellisense and click through are heavily used features here.