Kevin van Guldenaar
Recent Tech Decisions
46 points


  • Babel

    hellstad fscker

    For ES2015+ and JSX transpilation.

  • Material Design Lite

    hellstad fscker

    Just enough design for non-designer types.

  • PostgreSQL

    hellstad fscker

    Can't beat PostgreSQL for relational data. User accounts, tokens, etc.

  • DigitalOcean

    hellstad fscker

    Better performance for your $$$ than EC2, no nasty surprise traffic fees when you're bootstrapped.

  • RabbitMQ

    hellstad fscker

    AMQP 0-9-1 with topic exchanges for fast & reliable messaging. Built on the rock-solid Erlang OTP.

  • Node.js

    hellstad fscker

    Natively async for network programming. Reach for Native Addons when you need extra horsepower.

  • Amazon EC2

    hellstad fscker

    When you need flexibility with compute power, memory, EBS, snapshots, security groups, etc.

  • Webpack

    hellstad fscker

    Really sucks to configure, but provides excellent features when you get going.

  • Redis

    hellstad fscker

    LRU cache.


    hellstad fscker

    Static file serving, TLS terminator & HTTP upgrader for secure WebSocket.