Robert Hao
Architect | Wesai
Recent Tech Decisions
38 points


  • Apache Mesos

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    Bamboo + Marathon + Mesos (+ Docker) => awesome tool set to building PaaS.

  • Consul

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    I used Consul as config center & service discoverer.

  • GitLab

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    I save my private project to own GitLab.

  • Atom

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    Atom & VSCode are good enough for Golang coding.

  • MySQL

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    MySQL with InnoDB is a good all-purpose storage software.

  • Golang

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    I'm a big fan of Golang. I use Golang in most time. In addition, The most software projects of me are written by Golang.

  • HAProxy

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    I used HAProxy as HTTP request dispatcher.

  • etcd

    hyper-carrot Gopher Stack

    I used etcd as high availability KV storage.