CTO at LaunchDarkly·

Over the past year, we've shifted our philosophy on managed services and have moved several critical parts of our infrastructure away from self-managed options. The most prominent was our shift away from HAProxy to AWS's managed application load balancers (ALBs).

As we scaled, managing our HAProxy fleet became a larger and larger burden. We spent a significant amount of time tuning our configuration files and benchmarking different Amazon EC2 instance types to maximize throughput.

Emerging needs like #DDoS protection and auto scaling turned into large projects that we needed to schedule urgently. Instead of continuing this investment, we chose to shift to managed ALB instances. This was a large project, but it quickly paid for itself as we've nearly eliminated the time spent managing load balancers. We also gained DDoS protection and auto scaling "for free".

Redux: Scaling LaunchDarkly from 4 to 200 billion feature flags daily - LaunchDarkly Tech Stack | StackShare (stackshare.io)
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John Kodumal

CTO at LaunchDarkly