Hello Guys
I am a newbie here and not very well experienced with different stacks. I have primarily programmed in C lang/C++ and am somewhat proficient in it.
I am now considering taking up Spring as a new framework to learn to get into Web dev as I know a little Java. But I have concerns about choosing it and am confused with JavaScript frameworks.
Could you please tell me which stack should I choose from?
Javascript is not a framework, it's programming language that can run in browser or as server side application developed with node.js framework.
What is your objective here? It sounds like this is not to solve a particular issue, but is about learning? If so, do you have a preference for things used on the front-end or the backend? That decision would typically lead down a JAVA-oriented path or a JavaScript-oriented path.
If you decide to learn JAVA, then Spring + Spring-boot is a very relevant framework. A competitor is Microprofile + Quarkus. The Quarkus part is newer, but gaining a lot of traction.