Viktor Turskyi
CTO | WebbyLab
47 points



    koorchik itsquiz

    nginx serves static files and is used as reverse proxy for nodejs backend

  • DigitalOcean

    koorchik itsquiz

    Everything is hosted on DigitalOcean

  • ExpressJS

    koorchik itsquiz

    Backend is powered built on express nodejs framework

  • Ansible

    koorchik itsquiz

    We do single click deployment with Ansible

  • React

    koorchik itsquiz

    Everything is written in React. Main app, QuizWall, Landing

  • Redmine

    koorchik itsquiz

    Our main issue tracking tool

  • Atom

    koorchik itsquiz

    Most popular editor in our team but you can use anything you want

  • MongoDB

    koorchik itsquiz

    Yes, we use Mongo

  • JavaScript

    koorchik itsquiz

    Everything is built with JS: fronted, backend, browser plugins

  • GitLab

    koorchik itsquiz

    Our code is here

  • GitHub

    koorchik itsquiz

    We've opensourced QuizWall application and development at Github