Mick Dekkers
Backend JavaScript Engineer | Lab Digital
Recent Tech Decisions
45 points


  • Discord

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Discord is home to many game development communities, including AGDG (Amateur Game Development General), RGD (Reddit Game Development), and Game Dev League. When I'm working with WebGL, they are always very knowledgeable and helpful in answering my questions about physics, vectors and data structures.

  • Babel

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Babel transpiles ES6/ES2015+ code to a format older browsers (*cough* IE *cough*) can understand. This allows developers to write modern JS code while remaining compatible with older systems.

  • PostCSS

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    PostCSS essentially allows you to set up your own CSS preprocessor with the features that matter to you. It has a modular plugin-based architecture, which means that if someone comes up with a useful new feature, you can easily add it to your stack as a PostCSS plugin. PreCSS and PostCSS-cssnext are some of my go-to plugins.

  • Node.js

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Node.js simplifies development by letting you use a single language on the client and server. This has the added benefit of keeping your apps DRY because you can share code between them.

    Its package registry, npm, is the largest of any language. With over 500,000 packages and 500+ new packages being registered every day, you can almost always find what you're looking for. And if you can't, why not make your own and share it with the world?

  • Vue.js

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Vue.js is my front-end framework of choice. It's light, fast, and extensible. Its simplicity and reactivity system make it an absolute pleasure to use and it has a wonderful, ever-growing community.

  • Visual Studio Code

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    I love how responsive VS Code is, and the out-of-the-box intelligent code completion it provides for many JavaScript libraries and frameworks has been a great boost to my productivity. We also have it to thank for pioneering the language server protocol, which allows the development of code intelligence tools for any editor or IDE.

  • ES6

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    ES6/ES2015+ makes JavaScript a pleasure to write. Arrow functions, template literals and ES modules especially. RIP CoffeeScript.

  • Yarn

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Yarn is a wonderful alternative to the built-in npm command-line interface. Dependency installation is crazy fast, because it caches every package and performs operations in parallel.

  • Gitter

    mickdekkers Personal Stack (outdated)

    Many GitHub communities are on Gitter. It's a great place to ask and answer questions related to open-source frameworks and libraries.