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You can also try starting with one of the big marketing agencies. Even if you don't feel like you're ready to start as a web developer (you likely are, though, they hire at all levels) you can start as a content author or similar supporting role until you're more comfortable, then transition into a development role within the same company when you're ready.

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fisher boy
fisher boy
February 25th 2022 at 6:01PM

Thanks Patrick, this helps :) .

February 25th 2022 at 6:38PM

I should add that I know a few people who have done this. In the past few months, a coworker named Molly switched from being a project manager to working as a junior developer. The key is to get your foot in the door. I went straight from teaching English and French (and doing some freelance web development) to styling kiosks for a food service company, and from there to writing mainly javascript for MRM. Once you get started, don't be afraid to change roles or switch jobs until you get to where you want to be. Changing jobs is also a good way to boost your salary. I've done that twice and made 10k and 20k more with each new position. Your experience is valuable and in this industry, people will happily pay you for it.

Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

Both of these frameworks have too much baggage for me. My bundle size tends to be rather large with each option, though both support tree-shaking. I prefer Vuetify for content sites and ecommerce and Quasar for building actual applications, because the components are very intuitive and much easier to use together in odd combinations than Vuetify: everything "just works" together with very simple and consistent styling and APIs.

If it were me, I would use Gridsome or Nuxt with Tailwind and minimal dependencies. You get a great DX still with tailiwind, good "tree-shaking" through PurgeCSS and nothing you don't need, with full control over your own components.

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I've used Nuxt and Gridsome in the past, both with Storyblok. (Why aren't more people using Storyblok? The live preview is unparalleled.) I've used Snipcart with this setup in the past too and it was very easy to add on.

I hide all of my public API keys in environment variables. In Netlify, you can obscure your variables further by proxying your API calls behind functions. There is also a plugin for Nuxt to make it so certain environment variables are only available on the server, which would work as long as you're using SSR or hybrid deployment. https://github.com/nuxt-community/separate-env-module/

Gridsome allows you to choose which environment variables are available on the client: just prefix the client-accessible variables with "GRIDSOME_".

I hope that helps a little bit. It's hard to choose between Nuxt and Gridsome, but Gridsome is specifically geared towards generating static content. If you think your site/app may need any other deployment method in the future, Nuxt is the way to go.

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Andrew B
Andrew B
January 14th 2021 at 9:46AM

Hey Patrick,

Thanks for the response.

It is true about storyblok, the live preview is the reason i moved to it from trying other headless CMS's

Yeah as Levi mentioned above about utilizing the serveless functions to proxy the requests.

Your message did help, so thanks again. Your comment about other development in the future helps confirm the decision i should take.
