You can also try starting with one of the big marketing agencies. Even if you don't feel like you're ready to start as a web developer (you likely are, though, they hire at all levels) you can start as a content author or similar supporting role until you're more comfortable, then transition into a development role within the same company when you're ready.
I should add that I know a few people who have done this. In the past few months, a coworker named Molly switched from being a project manager to working as a junior developer. The key is to get your foot in the door. I went straight from teaching English and French (and doing some freelance web development) to styling kiosks for a food service company, and from there to writing mainly javascript for MRM. Once you get started, don't be afraid to change roles or switch jobs until you get to where you want to be. Changing jobs is also a good way to boost your salary. I've done that twice and made 10k and 20k more with each new position. Your experience is valuable and in this industry, people will happily pay you for it.