Jan Piotrowski
2 points


  • Content Management done right.

    July 16, 2014 08:46

    After deciding to integrate an offline experience to our mobile shopping app Cash to Code I started looking at syncing solutions for mobile. Shouldn't be too hard to find something, many apps have to have this problem - or so I thought. Well, not that easy as it turned out. What was out there at that time was unfinished, limited or just broken. By accident I found Contentful and their API focused CMS.

    Now some months later we are live in the app stores and I couldn't be happier how it all turned out. Yes, back then we couldn't just drop in a SDK an get all the sync functionality out of the box (I hear this is different now), but we just wrote it ourselves based on the great API documentation and the sync endpoint. We use the API to create our content on Contentful directly from our backend system, then it just gets synced to all the clients out there.

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