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AWX vs Rundeck: What are the differences?


AWX and Rundeck are both popular open-source automation tools used for managing and orchestrating IT infrastructure. While both tools serve similar purposes, there are key differences that set them apart from each other. In this markdown, we will discuss the key differences between AWX and Rundeck in a concise manner.

  1. Architecture: AWX is built on top of Ansible and utilizes the power of Ansible playbooks for automation. On the other hand, Rundeck follows a plugin-based architecture, providing more flexibility in terms of integration with different tools and technologies.

  2. User Interface: AWX offers a web-based user interface that is designed around Ansible workflows and supports various features such as job scheduling, inventory management, and access control. Rundeck also provides a web-based user interface but focuses more on task and job management, providing a clean and intuitive interface for managing workflows and executions.

  3. Community Support and Maturity: AWX benefits from being a part of the Ansible ecosystem and has a vibrant and active community. It is well-established and widely used in production environments. Rundeck, on the other hand, has been around for a longer time and has a larger user base with extensive community support. It has also been adopted by many enterprise organizations.

  4. Integration Capabilities: AWX integrates seamlessly with Ansible and can utilize the vast collection of existing Ansible modules and playbooks. It is well-suited for environments with a heavy focus on Ansible-driven automation. Rundeck, on the contrary, supports integration with a wide range of tools and technologies beyond just Ansible, making it a versatile choice for orchestrating heterogeneous environments.

  5. Scalability and Performance: AWX is known for its scalability, allowing the management of large-scale infrastructures with thousands of nodes. It can handle concurrent job executions efficiently. Rundeck also offers good performance and scalability, albeit with a slightly lower threshold compared to AWX. The choice between the two would depend on the specific scale requirements of the infrastructure.

  6. Community-driven vs Enterprise Support: AWX, being a community-driven project, primarily relies on community support for bug fixes and feature enhancements. However, Red Hat offers commercial support for AWX under their Ansible Automation Platform. Rundeck, on the other hand, provides enterprise support directly from the developers, offering dedicated assistance for any issues faced during usage.

In Summary, AWX and Rundeck differ in their architecture, user interface, community support, integration capabilities, scalability, and support options, making them suitable for different use cases and environments.

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Pros of AWX
Pros of Rundeck
  • 1
    Open source
  • 3
    Role based access control
  • 3
    Easy to understand
  • 1
    Doesn't need containers

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What is AWX?

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is the upstream project for Tower, a commercial derivative of AWX. Ansible Towers powers enterprise automation by adding control, security and delegation capabilities to Ansible environments.

What is Rundeck?

A self-service operations platform used for support tasks, enterprise job scheduling, deployment, and more.

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