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gelf vs syslog: What are the differences?


GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) and Syslog are both popular log message formats used for logging in various applications and systems. While they serve similar purposes, there are key differences between GELF and Syslog that differentiate them from each other.

  1. Message formatting: GELF uses JSON formatting for log messages, making it more structured and easier to parse compared to the unstructured format of Syslog messages. This structured approach allows for easier analysis and filtering of log messages in GELF.

  2. Transport protocol: GELF typically uses UDP or TCP as the transport protocol for sending log messages, providing a reliable way to transmit data over the network. In contrast, Syslog originally relies on UDP for message transmission, which can result in message loss in a high-traffic environment due to its connectionless nature.

  3. Field support: GELF supports additional fields like host, short message, full message, level, facility, timestamp, and file, allowing for more detailed information to be included in log messages. On the other hand, Syslog has a limited set of predefined fields, making it less flexible for customizing log messages.

  4. Compression: GELF supports message compression, which can reduce the size of log messages and optimize network bandwidth usage, especially in scenarios where large volumes of log data are generated. Syslog, in its traditional form, does not natively support compression of log messages.

  5. Concurrency: GELF can handle high concurrency more efficiently due to its structured format and support for multi-threaded processing. This makes it a preferred choice for applications generating a large number of log messages concurrently. In comparison, Syslog may face scalability challenges in high-volume environments due to its simplistic message format and design.

  6. Integration with logging platforms: GELF is closely associated with Graylog, a leading open-source log management platform, providing seamless integration and compatibility. On the other hand, Syslog is a more generic logging format that can be integrated with various logging platforms but may require additional configuration for optimal functionality.

In Summary, GELF and Syslog differ in message formatting, transport protocol, field support, compression, concurrency handling, and integration with logging platforms.

gelf Stats
  • Dependent Packages Counts - 0
syslog Stats
  • Dependent Packages Counts - 0

What is gelf?

GELF library for Go.

What is syslog?

With this package you can create your own syslog server with your own handlers for different kind of syslog messages.

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What are some alternatives to gelf and syslog?
Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
Go support for Google's protocol buffers.
Cloudflare This package provides the package which offers an interface to the CloudFlare gAPI.
AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
Cross-platform file system notifications for Go.
See all alternatives