Chartbeat vs Google Analytics

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Chartbeat vs Google Analytics: What are the differences?


Chartbeat and Google Analytics are both popular web analytics tools used to track and analyze website data. While they have similar objectives, there are some key differences that set them apart. The following paragraphs highlight six specific differences between Chartbeat and Google Analytics.

  1. Real-time Data: One major difference between Chartbeat and Google Analytics is the real-time data tracking capability. Chartbeat provides real-time data, allowing users to see the number of visitors on their website and their actions in real-time. On the other hand, Google Analytics has a delay of up to 24 hours for data updates, making it less suitable for monitoring live website activity.

  2. User Interface: The user interface is another key difference between Chartbeat and Google Analytics. Chartbeat focuses on providing a simple and intuitive interface for real-time data analysis, with an emphasis on user engagement metrics. In contrast, Google Analytics offers a more comprehensive interface with a wide range of features and options, catering to the needs of both beginners and advanced users.

  3. Data Depth: When it comes to data depth, Google Analytics offers more comprehensive and detailed insights compared to Chartbeat. Google Analytics provides a vast array of data points, including demographics, traffic sources, user behavior, and goal conversions. On the other hand, Chartbeat focuses primarily on engagement metrics, such as active visitors, top pages, and time on site.

  4. Integration: Chartbeat and Google Analytics differ in terms of their integration capabilities. While Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with various Google products and services, allowing users to leverage data from different platforms, Chartbeat has limited integration options. This makes Google Analytics a preferred choice for organizations that rely on a broader ecosystem of tools.

  5. Cost Structure: Another important difference between Chartbeat and Google Analytics is their cost structure. Chartbeat typically charges a monthly fee based on the number of monthly active visitors. In contrast, Google Analytics is free to use for most users, with additional paid options available for enterprise-level organizations. This affordability factor makes Google Analytics more accessible to a wider range of users.

  6. Customization and Advanced Features: Google Analytics offers a higher level of customization and advanced features compared to Chartbeat. With Google Analytics, users can create custom reports, set up advanced segmentation, track events and conversions, and access the vast library of plugins and integrations. In contrast, Chartbeat has a more streamlined feature set, focusing on real-time engagement metrics rather than advanced customization options.

In Summary, Chartbeat and Google Analytics differ in real-time data tracking, user interface, data depth, integration capabilities, cost structure, and customization features, making them suitable for different user needs and objectives.

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Pros of Chartbeat
Pros of Google Analytics
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 1.5K
    • 926
      Easy setup
    • 890
      Data visualization
    • 698
      Real-time stats
    • 405
      Comprehensive feature set
    • 181
      Goals tracking
    • 154
      Powerful funnel conversion reporting
    • 138
      Customizable reports
    • 83
      Custom events try
    • 53
      Elastic api
    • 14
      Updated regulary
    • 8
      Interactive Documentation
    • 3
      Google play
    • 2
      Industry Standard
    • 2
      Walkman music video playlist
    • 2
      Advanced ecommerce
    • 1
      Medium / Channel data split
    • 1
      Easy to integrate
    • 1
      Financial Management Challenges -2015h
    • 1
    • 1

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of Chartbeat
    Cons of Google Analytics
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 11
        Confusing UX/UI
      • 8
        Super complex
      • 6
        Very hard to build out funnels
      • 4
        Poor web performance metrics
      • 3
        Very easy to confuse the user of the analytics
      • 2
        Time spent on page isn't accurate out of the box

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      What is Chartbeat?

      Chartbeat provides realtime analytics to Websites and blogs, and shows visitors, load times, and referring sites on a minute-by-minute basis.

      What is Google Analytics?

      Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.

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      Jul 2 2019 at 9:34PM


      Google AnalyticsAmazon S3New Relic+25
      What are some alternatives to Chartbeat and Google Analytics?
      It is a digital marketing company that provides free audience demographics measurement and delivers real-time advertising.
      Collect and analyze your web traffic for all your sites in real-time using our fast, reliable, hosted system. See overview data for all your sites on a single page.
      The GoSquared dashboard provides you with an overview of all the most important metrics behind your site’s traffic. From source information to visitor count, and from a dynamic timeline to engagement metrics, the dashboard is simple-to-read and accessed in one.
      It is a complete analytics platform built around Apache Druid. While traditional business intelligence workflows focus on using static reports and dashboards, it provides rapid, dynamic access to streaming and batch data. Leverage the power of Druid to instantly create ad-hoc views on real-time and historical data and explain any pattern or anomaly.
      It is a free and powerful analytics tool for game developers, that helps you understand player behavior and build better games.
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