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Zustand vs ng-state: What are the differences?


In this markdown code documentation for a website, we will be discussing the key differences between Zustand and ng-state. The aim is to provide a clear understanding of the variations in these two state management libraries.

1. Ease of Use: Zustand makes state management simpler and more intuitive by using hooks and functional programming concepts, allowing developers to easily manage their application's state. On the other hand, ng-state is a state management library specifically designed for Angular applications, integrating well with the Angular ecosystem. It provides a structured approach to state management, but may be more complex and require a steeper learning curve compared to Zustand.

2. Dependencies: Zustand is a dependency-free state management library, meaning it does not require any additional dependencies or external tools to work effectively. This makes it lightweight and easy to integrate into any project. In contrast, ng-state relies on the Angular framework and its associated dependencies. It is tightly coupled with Angular and requires the use of Angular modules, services, and components for state management.

3. Performance: Zustand boasts excellent performance due to its optimized use of React hooks and memoization techniques. It ensures minimal re-renders and updates by leveraging the React rendering lifecycle effectively. ng-state, being tailored for Angular applications, also focuses on performance but may not achieve the same level of optimization as Zustand due to the inherent complexities of the Angular framework.

4. Community Support and Documentation: Zustand, being a popular state management library, has a large and active community. It has extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples available online. The community is supportive and responsive to queries and issues. In contrast, ng-state, although being a solid state management solution for Angular, may not have the same level of community support and readily available resources. The documentation and community presence for ng-state may not be as comprehensive and user-friendly as Zustand.

5. Integration with Framework: Zustand integrates seamlessly with React applications, leveraging the power of React hooks and functional components. It aligns well with the React philosophy and paradigms, making it a natural choice for React developers. On the other hand, ng-state is specifically designed for Angular applications, providing tight integration with the Angular framework. It leverages Angular modules, services, and components for state management, ensuring a structured and consistent approach.

6. Project Maturity and Adoption: Zustand has gained significant popularity and adoption within the React community. It has been widely used and tested in various production applications. It is considered a mature and stable library with a proven track record. On the contrary, ng-state, being Angular-specific, may not have the same level of adoption and maturity as Zustand. It may have a smaller user base and may not have been tested in as many real-world scenarios.

In Summary, Zustand and ng-state differ in terms of ease of use, dependencies, performance, community support and documentation, integration with frameworks, and project maturity and adoption.

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Pros of ng-state
Pros of Zustand
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 10
      Simple API
    • 7
    • 5
      Asynchronous action out the box
    • 4
      Supports Redux DevTools
    • 3
      Less boilerplate
    • 3
      Open source
    • 2

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    Cons of ng-state
    Cons of Zustand
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      • 2
        Requires function component

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      What is ng-state?

      RxJS and ImmutableJs powered nested state management for Angular 2+ applications inspired by @ngrx/store. It is simple, fast, reliable with no boilerplate.

      What is Zustand?

      Small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution. Has a comfy api based on hooks, that isn't boilerplatey or opinionated, but still just enough to be explicit and flux-like.

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