Tyler Harden
Software Engineer | datapile
Recent Tech Decisions
81 points


  • Sinatra

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bc4b20> Website Stack

    Scalatra (we had to pick Sinatra on StackShare since Scalatra is has not yet been officially added) is the slickest (not to be confused with Slick for Scala) web/applet server framework we've had the pleasure of playing with in Scala.

    For all intensive purposes, Scalatra is the Scala version of Sinatra (which for anyone who doesn't know is a Ruby web server DSL).

  • Heroku

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bc35e0> Website Stack

    Development / test iterations of the site are being sandboxed in heroku.

  • Namecheap

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bc2460> Website Stack

    Namecheap is the best domain registrar in the universe, hands down. They provide a solid product (the domain-name blood that keeps us flowing online) at an extremely reasonable price, amazing management tools with a solid UI/UX on the control panel, and the CEO did an AMA on reddit (we love reddit).

  • Gitter

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bc1560> Website Stack

    We haven't found a better way to communicate directly with the core contributors and developers for many open source projects we utilize on GitHub (Scala, Scala-js, Sinatra, Apache top-level projects, just to name a few).

    It is a solid piece of software that appeals to us who have used Slack in the past, and the tight integration with a single GitHub repository or organization for each Gitter room just makes sense in our eyes.

  • Play

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bc08e0> Website Stack

    Play is a central framework/component/library (not sure what to call things these days) in Scala. We <3 Scala, and therefore we <3 Play.

    Play is on of several frameworks we are prototyping and vetting for various public-facing websites, and may ultimately be the framework behind the main datapile.io website.

  • MEAN

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bdfc90> Website Stack

    MongoDB is a solid NoSQL store. Angular.js is being vetted as a potential front-end framework for the website (though it may ultimately not be used for the non-app site). Everything is running on node.js and hosted via an Express.js web server (though we are looking into Koa.js as it is the official successor to Express.js)

  • Stack Overflow

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bdec50> Website Stack

    Let's be honest here guys...the internet, technology, software, and most likely the lights wouldn't be on without Stack Overflow.

    We are avid consumers of Q&A on Stack Overflow and other communities on the Stack Exchange network, and definitely wish to extend a heavy thanks to all the help is has provided over several lifetimes of various developers' and engineers' careers. We all try to answer questions, upvote, and comment when we have some knowledge to share, and aren't afraid to ask a question ourselves from time to time (and neither should you!).

  • Scala

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bde110> Website Stack

    Scala is the God of languages. A legend. The Mount Rushmore of hybrid OO/functional languages is Scala's face four times over.

    Ok, honestly, we love Scala. We love(d) Java (and it's parents C and C++), and we love(d) all the languages that borrowed cough stole cough from Java over the years such as Groovy, Clojure, and C#.

    It may not be perfect (it totally is, but since programming languages don't have egos of their own, we don't want to paint it too bright), but it is awesome. It runs on the JVM, you can utilize Spring, it works great for data processing (which is sorta kinda the thing we do here, folks), and it just makes sense at all levels.

    If you don't like Scala, we feel sorry for the projects that are suffering due to your choices, meanwhile we are using Scala to write everything from JavaScript, CSS, SQL, and JSON directly within itself (go figure), so in the end no one will know the beauty of this powerhouse language (except for our engineers, of course).

  • Spring

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bdd350> Website Stack

    Spring is another gift rained down by the gods of Open Source Software (a.k.a. Pivotal Labs in this particular case) that just makes sense on all levels.

    From Spring Boot, to SpringMVC, the configuration architecture & profile paradigm, Spring Cloud expandability, to the ease with which one can deploy Spring applets as microservices within Docker is an absolute joy.

  • Disqus

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bdbf50> Website Stack

    Disqus is a wonderful (and free) API/software platform to integrate for comments when you don't want to limit yourself to Facebook and have no interest in reinventing something done so well.

    It is a solid, A-1 piece of software.

  • IntelliJ IDEA

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bdaa10> Website Stack

    If Scala and Spring are the gods gifts in terms of programming languages and opinionated-frameworks, then JetBrain's IntelliJ IDEA is the IDE equivalent.

    Words don't do it justice.

  • D3.js

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd9750> Website Stack

    D3.js is an amazing library for doing visualizations, charts/graphs, etc. We are experimenting with it for metric visualizations, marketing graphs/charts, and basically anywhere we could use this amazing library.

  • Travis CI

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd8210> Website Stack

    Travis CI is our pillar for automated deployment, pull request testing, auto-merging (for non-mission-critical projects), and build testing per commit / release.

    It is highly configurable, super cheap, and extremely robust (supports every language and configuration we've thrown at it).

  • Bootstrap

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd7450> Website Stack

    Who doesn't use Bootstrap? It has permeated the CSS ideologies of the entire planet in an almost virus-like fashion...hey, wait a minute!

  • Google Analytics

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd5b50> Website Stack

    We installed Google Analytics. Can we haz data science now? We ares teh bestest analytics gurus evar!

    Nothing easier than one line of JavaScript to let Google know anything and everything about your website in exchange for some pretty dashboards and reports.

  • Buffer

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd4890> Website Stack

    Honestly have not yet used Buffer in this particular stack, but with past experience using it and a personal inclination towards Buffer for social media management, we intend to handle syndicated and scheduled social media content to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn using them.


    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd35d0> Website Stack

    Used nginx as exactly what it is great for: serving static content in a cache-friendly, load balanced manner.

    It is exclusively for production web page hosting, we don't use nginx internally, only on the public-facing versions of static sites / Angular & Backbone/Marionette applications.

  • Docker

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd2450> Website Stack

    You take a docker image of an OS, and then you add your application artifacts to it. BOOM! Magic.

  • Heroku Postgres

    #<User:0x00007fcf60bd12d0> Website Stack

    We use heroku PostgreSQL databases for testing alongside our sandboxed application(s) in heroku.

    Extremely simple, practically a one-click setup.