Tyler Morgan
Recent Tech Decisions
47 points


  • HipChat

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    I use HipChat to communicate with group members. I like that I can hop on and catch up on any conversations that I missed.

  • GitHub

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    This is where I stash my git repos.

  • Dropbox

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    I have the root of my LAMP stack set up as a Dropbox folder so that I can sync my work between all of my dev environments.

  • Sass

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    To make my CSS more efficient, better, and most importantly more fun!

  • jQuery

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    It provides a great API for DOM manipulation, AJAX, and other handy tools.

  • Git

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    • Version control.
    • Move fear of code loss.

  • JavaScript

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    Client side programming.

  • Sublime Text

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    This is my code editor of choice.

  • Apache HTTP Server

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    As a web server for my local dev environment as well as deployment servers.

  • Microsoft Excel

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    This is my tool of choice for doing quickly data analysis and visualization.

  • Bootstrap

    tylermorganme Momo Stack

    It is a nice way to quickly prototype applications.