Val Neekman
Recent Tech Decisions
72 points


  • jQuery Mobile

    un33k SimplyFound

    jQuery Mobile is used for swiping images in carousel.

  • jQuery

    un33k SimplyFound

    jQuery is used offload some of the work to the client (browser) so not everything has to be done on the server side.

  • Bootstrap

    un33k SimplyFound

    Bootstrap is used for mobile, tablet and desktop rendering of the web pages.

  • Gunicorn

    un33k SimplyFound

    Gunicorn is used as the backend webserver

  • Django

    un33k SimplyFound

    Django is used as a framework behind the project

  • Python

    un33k SimplyFound

    Python is used to power Django

  • G Suite

    un33k SimplyFound

    Google Apps MX is used for email handling

  • Google Analytics

    un33k SimplyFound

    Google Analytics is used to better the usage flow

  • Amazon CloudFront

    un33k SimplyFound

    Amazon CloudFront is used for serving media assets securely


    un33k SimplyFound

    Web Proxy working in front of Gunicorn

  • PostgreSQL

    un33k SimplyFound

    Performant database

  • Django REST framework

    un33k SimplyFound

    Provides REST API

  • Linode

    un33k SimplyFound

    Linode is used for load balancer, web server, database server etc.

  • JavaScript

    un33k SimplyFound

    Javascript is used for client side logic

  • Postmark

    un33k SimplyFound

    Postmark is used for user-triggered event emails.

  • Bitbucket

    un33k SimplyFound

    Bitbucket is used for the project as a whole

  • GitHub

    un33k SimplyFound

    Github is used for all public resealable apps, config and scripts