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I'm about to start a new project to build a REST API, and I got to this point: Yii2 Vs Lumen Vs Slim, I used Yii 1.1 a while a go and it was awesome, really easy to work with, as a developer you don't have to worry about almost anything, just setup the framework, get your php extensions, and start coding your app.

But, I was told about performance and someone recomended Lumen or Slim to work with a micro framework and a less bloated framework, what worries me is the lack of advantages that Yii2 offers, ACF and RBAC as a native tool on the framework, gii, the model validations and all the security props already in it.

Is it worth it? Is the performance so great on those frameworks to leave aside the advantages of a framework like Yii2?

How do you suggest to make the test to prove wich one is better?

PHP Lumen Yii Slim

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Y. Taborda

Full Stack Developer