Alexander Mans
121 points


  • Kong solved many of our challenges

    July 02, 2015 00:02

    We're a small startup in San Francisco (team of 18 people). After spending lots of time building our core technology, it was time to bring it to life and deploy with several very large customers (500+ API requests/customer/minute).

    We looked for a solid API management solution that would allow for easy authentication, quick installation and great logging features (requests and responses). After looking at various (very) expensive solutions out there, we ran into Kong.

    After testing it for a few days, we deployed quickly to production to serve the needs of our customers. 3 weeks in, our experience has been great. Highly recommended to anyone who's looking for API management solutions.

    P.s. Scored "Reliability" as "OK" for now with lack of data. Will definitely update once we've had Kong in production for a longer period of time.

    Ease of Use Documentation Reliability Support