70 points


  • No more excuses to launching your idea!

    July 30, 2015 12:27

    Programmers are very proud of their code. Everybody wants to build the best code as possible and they forget about delivering value to the future possible customers and the idea ends not happening.

    I saw in Stamplay an opportunity to make all that ideas that were in the drawer happen—it is easy to use, to setup and it delivers what I—as a frontender—always wanted: data. Now, with my abilities I can give life for them, and finally I am launching the applications I've been dreaming for the last years.

    Technically speaking, Stamplay delivers an API and there's no effort to get there. Also, all the integrations it gives us such as Stripe, Facebook, etc. are time saviors—I really just need to focus on what matters most, which is designing a great user interface for delivering the value my customers deserve.

    Last but not least, are you experiencing a problem or have a question? Oh, no worries—this is your littlest problem because their staff are always ready to help you with the maximum professionalism and politeness you've ever seen.

    Ease of Use Documentation Reliability Support