Lee Benson
Recent Tech Decisions
17 points


  • Awesome for rapid prototyping

    June 01, 2017 12:05

    Getting to grips with GraphQL is notoriously tricky.

    After figuring out the many different libraries, you quickly run into issues with Relay compatibility, mapping GraphQL to a back-end data store, resolving the O(n) problem of recursive queries, rate limiting, and more.

    Graphcool is a service that figures out this stuff for you. You can map your data visually, and Graphcool pops out a URI for both 'regular' and 'Relay' endpoints, that you can copy and paste into your GraphQL front-end. It's ridiculously simple.

    I use it alongside my ReactQL starter kit (https://reactql.org) for every new project that a user installs. It works out-the-box with zero configuration, and no server required.

    Whether you're rapidly prototyping, or simply ready to move your production data to a managed cloud service, Graphcool is worth a look.

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