Avatar of Jean Francois Rebaud

Kubernetes GitLab CI Cassandra ExpressJS Angular 2

I start a new project of a plateform to make an iventory of bands in my musical style preference I choose

  1. for the BackEnd: Express, Casssandra Express because I want to use API and compatibilitie with others front plateform and Cassandra about is performance of scalability

  2. for the Frontend: Angular because it's a real framework and this structure is perfect to add and update new features to make easily evolution

It's the begening of the project and I'll come back for future informations and discussion about problems that must resolved

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Elmehdi GROLA
Elmehdi GROLA
August 7th 2019 at 2:50PM

Hard luck, Keep us posted ;) please.

Jean Francois Rebaud
Jean Francois Rebaud
August 7th 2019 at 3:28PM

I would miss it, thank you !!


"You can use the framework of your choice, but the key thing to remember is that the best way to maintain a stable structure based on network demand and load is to use a DevOps approach with microservices. You can use Symfony, but with this framework, you typically have both the backend and frontend in the same source code, which can be more difficult to maintain and evolve. For more information on microservices and DevOps technology, you can refer to a DevOps case study on my website by following the link below:" https://profix-info.com/en/etude/

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