Dear, Yusuf You can't use if statement to compare two strings, but you can use strcmp() function which means string compare The behavior of strcmp function is: If (string1 < string2)? Then: return a negative value. If (string1 > string2)? Then: return a positive value.
If(string1 == string2)? Then: return (0).So, you can modify this statment to: if(strcmp(name,"Yousef") != 0) printf("name undefined\n");
else printf("find name");But, In this case there is one logic problem that (strcmp) function don't ignore the letter case. For example: If you input name : yousef
The first letter here (y) is small, but in the comparing statement above is capital, So the result will be "name undefined", but in fact "yousef" = "Yousef".To solve this problem you should use stracasecmp() function. This function ignore the letter case while comparing. The code will be: if(strcasecmp(name,"Yousef") != 0) printf("name undefined\n");
else printf("find name");Attention: Include string libreary after using these functions to skip any problem may be found.
includemay Allah bless you ^_^
But you can use fgets() function Instead of gets(), because - The fgets () function is safer to use. - It checks the bounds, i.e., the size of the buffer and does not cause overflow on the stack to occur. - The gets () function does not check the bounds.