Avatar of aleyrizvi

Be good at javascript initially. Forget mongo or anything for now.

Nowadays, everybody is using components to build their frontend and I hardly see someone touching html deeply.

For css framework, choose a utility framework such as Tailwind CSS. It wont look magic to you and wont hide technical specs like magic.

Choose one front-end framework (I recommend react.js or vue.js) for employability and node/express combo for the backend.

10 upvotes·1 comment·81.8K views
Mohd Rafi
Mohd Rafi
May 26th 2020 at 11:59PM

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it. I will more focus on Javascript initially and get better on it.

Needs advice
Ant DesignAnt Design
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS

Hello, A question to frontend developers. I am a beginner on frontend.

I am building a UI for my company to replace old legacy one with React and this question is about choosing how to apply design to it.

I have Tailwind CSS on one hand and Ant Design on the other (I didnt like mui and Bootstrap doesn't seem to have enterprise components as ant) As far as I understand, tailwind is great. It allows me to literally build an application without touching the css but I have to build my own react components with it. Ant design or mantine has ready to use components which I can use and rapidly build my application.

My question is, is it the right approach to: - Use a component framework for now and replace legacy app. - Introduce tailwind later when I have a frontend resource in hand and then build own component library

Thank you.

7 upvotes·462.7K views
Replies (4)

Although I use Hugo instead of React (and don't have experience with Ant Design), I'd highly suggest using Tailwind. The main reason I like it is because I can't tell if a site is using Tailwind or regular CSS, whereas once you've seen a Bootstrap site, you'll see Bootstrap everywhere whenever it's used (and I'd assume the same with Ant Design).

3 upvotes·27.7K views

Most probably you don't want to create component's logic from scratch. As you already have an app, try to make a list of all components that you'll need - modals, dropdowns, etc. And then try to find a library that has all of them, because some components are rare (like a range selector).

There's some libraries built with/for tailwind, for example https://headlessui.com. It's pretty basic, but maybe it'll be enough for you.

It's not that when you're using tailwind you're not touching css. It's just a convenient way to write it and it gives you a nice design system by default.

2 upvotes·25.5K views
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Choosing a framework be it angular, react, ember or vue is personal preference. I would say start with each and build something that utilise state management (todo list perhaps?) and see which style you are comfortable with.

If you wants to get employed, React is a wiser choice. It also helps you build native mobile apps with react-native . If you are building enterprise app with alot of client-side data, nothing beats Ember.js ember-data.

If you are like me who is prototyping light-weight startup and would like to move fast and missing your first front-end learning (angular 1), go with Vue.js . NativeScript-Vue is the binding to build mobile native apps with it.

6 upvotes·337.8K views
Needs advice
AWS LambdaAWS Lambda

I am building an API that can be achieved from either.

It's a simple CRUD API.

Is there a well-known public API in production by a known company powered by AWS Lambda?

I see that everybody uses containers instead.

3 upvotes·20.6K views
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VP Engineering at MG Group S.A.·
AWS Lambda

We have microservices in production with both technologies (hosting simple CRUDs, more complex async processes, GraphQL endpoints, etc). As a matter of preference, for greenfield projects, we tend to go full serverless (lambda, dynamo, aurora...), because is not only cheaper in general, but way easier to continuously integrate with bitbucket pipelines, github actions, etc. The drawback is still the cold starts, despite the last improvements in VPC cold starts; it's way less noticeable in non statically typed languages though (Node.js, Python...). You will have to keep the lambdas warmed with Cloudwatch events if you can't wait for a few seconds after the first invocation, or use the new feature Provisioned Concurrency (which we haven't), that kind of defeat the purpose of being serverless.

As to how to host different methods of an API in lambdas, there are different approaches: we have for example stacks of cloud formation where every lambda host unique functionalities (one for detecting faces in images, another for cropping, another for comparing, etc), and also other stacks where the entire GraphQL API is hosted with Fastify in just one lambda. It really depends on your use-case.

If you host your API in ECS with an ALB, you won't have cold starts, it will automatically handle blue/green deployments with no disruption in the service while you deploy, but your bill will increase, and the infrastructure will be more difficult to automate in something like a template.yaml.

Give it a try with aws sam (Serverless Application Model), with a few commands, you can have a sample API running in a couple of minutes.

5 upvotes·1 comment·512 views
July 29th 2020 at 9:20PM

thanks for the great advice.

I actually did play with serverless and rebuilt an api to see how it works.

I wasn't using vpc so the cold start was not noticeable. However, what was no able to achieve:

lambda to lambda communication.

I was easy with microservices. gPRC and rest based microservices can communicate with each other easily. How would we achieve something similar in lambda?

Secondly, CRUD api: would you recommend serverless over ecs/eks?
