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Virutal dom, JSX , performance, large community, mobile version as react native. Vue is a baby to the race with hype.

Works Empire (worksempire.com)
2 upvotes·1 comment·62 views
Tony Ko
Tony Ko
January 17th 2020 at 9:49PM

Virtual Dom: Vue also has this

JSX: Vue also has their own template engine.

Performance: Vue also has this

Large community: Vue also has this

Hell I'll throw in a few more:

Redux: Vue has Vuex, and works with Redux as well.

Hooks: Vue has support for this with their new api in v3.

The real advantage here is React Native and the number of users / hiring opportunities.

However, I would've be so quick to dismiss Vue. Vue has quite a lot built in if you're developing applications with velocity. Vue transitions are quite powerful out of the box. Vue's conditional rendering is inline, vs react's `isConditionTrue && <jsx/>` or `isConditionTrue ? <jsx/> : <jsx2/>` There is far, far less boilerplate with Vue if you're using their v2 api (which is still supported), at the expense of being less abstract / more opinionated than React.


Virtual dom and JSX. Vue is just a baby to the race. React has it's mobile platform version as react native . so it would be easy for you and you wont reinvent the wheel again for mobile apps.

Works Empire (worksempire.com)
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