Jörg Bernau
3 points

Tools beerlesklopfer is Following

GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for it...
The MySQL software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Langu...
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
C++ compiles directly to a machine's native code, allowing it to be one of the fastest languages in the wor...
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and soft...
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of wh...
Docker Hub
It is the world's easiest way to create, manage, and deliver your teams' container applications. It is the ...
Visual Studio Code
Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - L...
Amazon ECR
It is a fully managed container registry that makes it easy to store, manage, share, and deploy your contai...