Decisions 2
A Stolze
Engineering Team Lead at DCMN GmbH
Github Actions allowed us to drop previous CI/CD technologies like Jenkins or AWS CodeBuild. The main advantages for us are: - The Infrastructure-as-Code approach of Github Actions enables us to keep CI/CD configurations next to the code. - Github as a single platform for repositories and CI/CD simplifies our stack and effort to manage it on the daily basis.
TVcloud Team <3 Github Actions
A Stolze
Engineering Team Lead at DCMN GmbH
Our main reasons for deciding for Go as our main backend language was: 1.Strong tooling (gofmt!) 2. Comprehensive standard library 3. Simple deployment (single binary) 4. Easy onboarding of new developers (WYSIWYG) 5. Stability which comes from static typing and compilation
TVcloud Team <3 GO