Decisions 11

Howie Zhao
Full Stack Engineer at yintrust
We use Netlify to host static websites.
The reasons for choosing Netlify over GitHub Pages are as follows:
- Netfily can bind multiple domain names, while GitHub Pages can only bind one domain name
- With Netfily, the original repository can be private, while GitHub Pages free tier requires the original repository to be public
In addition, in order to use CDN, we use Netlify DNS.
7 229.6K

Howie Zhao
Full Stack Engineer at yintrust
We use Traefik as the web server.
The reasons for choosing Traefik over Nginx are as follows:
- Traefik built-in Let’s Encrypt and supports automatic renewal
- Traefik automatically enables HTTP/2
- Prometheus can be supported through simple Traefik configuration
- cookiecutter django integrates Traefik's configuration by default
6 146.2K

Howie Zhao
Full Stack Engineer at yintrust
We use GitLab to host internal source code.
Many companies use GitLab, just like everyone else, this can reduce the integration pressure of personnel turnover.
Although we are currently a start-up company, when the company grows larger, the use of privately deployed GitLab may become a trend. Using GitLab at the beginning will make future switching smoother.
6 12.8K