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Google Cloud Spanner

Fully managed, scalable, relational database service for regional and global application data
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What is Google Cloud Spanner?

It is a globally distributed database service that gives developers a production-ready storage solution. It provides key features such as global transactions, strongly consistent reads, and automatic multi-site replication and failover.
Google Cloud Spanner is a tool in the Databases category of a tech stack.
Google Cloud Spanner is an open source tool with 1.9K GitHub stars and 1.1K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Google Cloud Spanner's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Google Cloud Spanner?

8 companies reportedly use Google Cloud Spanner in their tech stacks, including PLAID, Quizlet Web, and WED.

38 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Google Cloud Spanner.

Google Cloud Spanner Integrations

MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, and Application Integration are some of the popular tools that integrate with Google Cloud Spanner. Here's a list of all 5 tools that integrate with Google Cloud Spanner.
Pros of Google Cloud Spanner
Strongly consistent
Horizontal scaling

Google Cloud Spanner's Features

  • Global transactions
  • Strongly consistent reads
  • Automatic multi-site replication
  • Failover.

Google Cloud Spanner Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Google Cloud Spanner?
Google Cloud SQL
Run the same relational databases you know with their rich extension collections, configuration flags and developer ecosystem, but without the hassle of self management.
Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will automatically repartition as machines are added and removed from the cluster. Row store means that like relational databases, Cassandra organizes data by rows and columns. The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a close relative of SQL.
Oracle Database is an RDBMS. An RDBMS that implements object-oriented features such as user-defined types, inheritance, and polymorphism is called an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). Oracle Database has extended the relational model to an object-relational model, making it possible to store complex business models in a relational database.
Google Cloud Datastore
Use a managed, NoSQL, schemaless database for storing non-relational data. Cloud Datastore automatically scales as you need it and supports transactions as well as robust, SQL-like queries.
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, user-defined types and functions.
See all alternatives

Google Cloud Spanner's Followers
116 developers follow Google Cloud Spanner to keep up with related blogs and decisions.