Needs advice

Hi, I a manager in a financial firm. We need to develop a Community/forum kind of application for internal collaboration kind of requirement. People can post something and others can reply with comments etc.. Bit of gamification will be very useful (likes, votes, trust level in a forum, etc.). The Application will require the admin module and also the reporting page.

I need to hire people yet. contemplating flask vs Django vs webapi vs node.js for backend, angular vs react for front-end and Postgres vs Mysql vs ms SQL (ignore the cost).

What stack you suggest?

2 upvotes·17.4K views
Replies (7)
Avatar of guillaumemaka
Full Stack Web Developer ·

Backend/Frontend (Unified): I would recommend Django in your use case. Django have a lot of components out of the box.

Mix SPA + REST Api (w/wo GraphQL) - SPA: Vue + Vuex (Checkout Nuxt.JS) | React + Redux - Django (django-rest-framework) or Node.JS (koa|express|hapi)

First I would ask you: Do you really need to go the full Single Page Application way ?

In my opinion the answer is No.

Regarding the database: - Django -> Postgres - Node.JS -> Postgres / MongoDB (Node.JS friendly)

I throw away MSSQL/Oracle of the discussion too much power for such thing, unless if your IT infrastructure provide it. So ask the IT what databases are available and use them. No need to add new technologies to the infrastructure.

2 upvotes·15.9K views
Lead, Design and Development at Afroshok·

You have two choices really. Either you go with a full JavaScript stack. This would be Angular on NodeJS or React with Apollo at the front end and GraphQL Yoga and Prisma on Postgresql at the back end. Your Web API here is GraphQL.

The other option is a mixed JavaScript and Python stack. I would start with React with Apollo for the GraphQL API talking to Graphene and Django on Postresql. I would later build in Flask once I know exactly what I want my business logic to look like and there is more time.

I would prefer the Python backend because it makes going into Machine Learning and AI at some point easier than on a JavaScript backend.

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Avatar of Guillaume Maka

Guillaume Maka

Full Stack Web Developer