Avatar of Harry Jin

Harry Jin

Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer ·

I recommend ExpressJS or NestJS as BackEnd and React as Front-End and PostgreSQL as the database. The reason is as follows. First of all, since it is a financial system, various services will exist, and each service must be well connected and combined with each other. The organic combination of small services that work very well is the foundation of a great system. For this, it is best to use Node.js based, and I think ExpressJS or NestJS is the best choice. We recommend choosing React or Vue as the FrontEnd. PostgreSQL is currently the best performing database. These three combinations have many examples, and their superiority has been confirmed by my implementation in many projects already. If you are interested in my advice and have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

6 upvotes·128.8K views
Full Stack Developer ·

If you want to shift towards ML in the future, Please choose Django/Python. A lot of machine learning libraries are built by Python. So Django project is integrated perfectly with Python ML libraries.

2 upvotes·148 views
Full Stack Developer ·

If you want to build ecommerce web site, it's better to relationship database like as MySQL or PosgreSQL. Because if you use mongodb, it's not good to fetch joined data with conditions from mongo db.

2 upvotes·90 views