Needs advice
ESLintESLintSass Lint Sass Lint

Scenario: I want to integrate Prettier in our code base which is currently using ESLint (for .js and .scss both). The project is using gulp.

It doesn't feel quite right to me to use ESLint, I wonder if it would be better to use Stylelint or Sass Lint instead.

I completed integrating ESLint + Prettier, Planning to do the same with [ Stylelint || Sasslint || EsLint] + Prettier.

And have gulp 'fix' on file save (Watcher).

Any recommendation is appreciated.

7 upvotes·452.9K views
Replies (3)
Software Engineer ·

you don't actually have to choose between these tools as they have vastly different purposes. i think its more a matter of understanding how to use them.

while eslint and stylelint are used to notify you about code quality issues, to guide you to write better code, prettier automatically handles code formatting (without notifying me). nothing else.

prettier and eslint both officially discourage using the eslint-plugin-prettier way, as these tools actually do very different things. autofixing with linters on watch isnt a great idea either. auto-fixing should only be done intentionally. you're not alone though, as a lot of devs set this up wrong.

i encourage you to think about what problem you're trying to solve and configure accordingly.

for my teams i set it up like this: - eslint, stylelint, prettier locally installed for cli use and ide support - eslint config prettier (code formatting rules are not eslints business, so dont warn me about it) - vscode workspace config: format on save - separate npm scripts for linting, and formatting - precommit hooks (husky)

so you can easily integrate with gulp. its just js after all ;)

5 upvotes·152.3K views
Senior Frontend Developer at·

In the case of .js files I would recommend using both Eslint and Prettier.

You can set up Prettier as an Eslint rule using the following plugin:

And in order to avoid conflicts between Prettier and Eslint, you can use this config:

Which turns off all Eslint rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

6 upvotes·1 comment·165.3K views
Alex Spieslechner
Alex Spieslechner
August 7th 2020 at 7:05PM

prettier officially discourages the use of eslint-plugin-prettier.

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Alex Spieslechner

Software Engineer