Needs advice
AWS LambdaAWS LambdaMongoDBMongoDB


I want to stream incremental document updates (like a price change) to a ton of end users using SSE. What is the best tool for that? AWS Lambda's / Cloud Functions terminate too fast and Containers / Servers seem too expensive.

Users should authenticate and "subscribe" to a specific resource. I am planning to use a MongoDB Instance as a Database and Lambdas to write to it.

7 upvotes·14.3K views
Replies (1)
Fullstack Dev at ADTELA·

Hi Marc,

For the com part, depending of more details not provided, i'd use SSE, OR i'd run either Mosquitto or RabbitMQ running on Amazon EC2 instances and leverage MQTT or amqp 's subscribe/publish features with my users running mqtt or amqp clients (tcp or websockets) somehow. (publisher too.. you don't say how and who gets to update the document(s).

I find "a ton of end users", depending on how you define a ton (1k users ;) ?) and how frequent document updates are, that can mean a ton of ressources, can't cut it at some point, even using SSE

how many, how big, how persistant do the document(s) have to be ? Db-wise,can't say for lack of details and context, yeah could also be Redis, any RDBMS or nosql or even static json files stored on an Amazon S3 bucket .. anything really

Good luck!

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