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I was looking into PostgreSQL for a database option solely for the reason that it was popular, had good community support, and was used by many companies planning to develop social media platforms similar to Calosmic.

  1. However, I was very unfamiliar with relational databases and had only gotten acquainted with the basics of column-family database models with technologies like SqlLite3.

  2. Furthermore, I had already been using MongoDB, a document-based database, in a previous project so I was looking for options similar to the aforementioned technology.

  3. Last but not least, I wasn't all too into having to manage my database; I wanted to have a place to store my data, and be able to effectively query, and mutate the data without the hassle of learning SQL or maintaining an entire database. I found out about FaunaDB a couple of weeks ago and was very excited about the native GraphQL support, a combination of both document-based and relational database models, and the low-maintenance structure of the database. I am currently experimenting with using FaunaDB in my stack :)

  • One disadvantage I noticed while using FaunaDB and GraphQL is the lack of certain features that one expects when using the latter. Even though FaunaDB has native support for GraphQL it seems as if it's missing numerous features that are commonplace in the language such as unions and interfaces.
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Nithin f

fokgt at fotkg