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What is Prisma?

Prisma is an open-source database toolkit. It replaces traditional ORMs and makes database access easy with an auto-generated query builder for TypeScript & Node.js.
Prisma is a tool in the Object Relational Mapper (ORM) category of a tech stack.
Prisma is an open source tool with 41.6K GitHub stars and 1.7K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Prisma's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Prisma?

188 companies reportedly use Prisma in their tech stacks, including Oxylabs, Cozero, and commercetools.

786 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Prisma.

Prisma Integrations

Node.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, and MongoDB are some of the popular tools that integrate with Prisma. Here's a list of all 24 tools that integrate with Prisma.
Pros of Prisma
Type-safe database access
Open Source
Auto-generated query builder
Supports multible database systems
Increases confidence during development
Built specifically for Postgres and TypeScript
Productive application development
Robust migrations system
Supports multible RDBMSs
Decisions about Prisma

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Prisma in their tech stack.

Vyshnav KPI
Application Developer at KPI suite tech · | 4 upvotes · 131.6K views
Needs advice

Can you help me with the following:

  1. What additional functionality is present in Prisma when compared with Sequelize?
  2. Is getter and setter method available in Prisma? If then please provide any reference or resource.
  3. Is Hooks, hierarchy present in Prisma?
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Angel Barrera
Needs advice

Hi everyone, I need to make a website for a moving company. The website features include users with three different roles, payment methods, tracking, quotes, and admin. I was thinking of using next.js with Prisma to build it, but I don't know if this tool will work in this case basically Next.js will communicate through Prisma to our PostgreSQL db and save the data of our users, quotes, and everything we catch on the front end.

I really need your advice, thank you in advance

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Michael Huggett
Software Engineer at Hobbyist/Early Startups · | 6 upvotes · 45K views
Needs advice

SaaS project and need to decide on a front-end framework. Will use Node.js for restful API services, and PostgreSQL for the database. Possibly introduce Prisma/Apollo if required. Infrastructure is likely to be AWS. This is a business to business SaaS project, not the consumer. 1-2K potential org subscribers, where the orgs are small businesses with 1-15 employees. The product would be used daily, mostly serving the North American market. I'm struggling with what front-end framework. I lean towards Vue.js/ Nuxt.js as it's what I have the most experience with, it's an easier learning curve for new inexperienced developers, and it had great growth in recent years. However, React/Next.js are established frameworks, with a larger community but a steeper learning curve (if I can't get intermediate to senior react developers) and I haven't worked with it. I'm looking for not answers, but advice from the community regarding what other factors I should be considering when deciding. This is a new project (not a re-write of an existing one). Appreciate everyone's feedback.

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Needs advice

Situation: I need to make a website for my Final Year Project. It's the website for brain analysis. The website features include chat, blogs, posts, users, payment methods. One of the main features includes the use of AI, which I know only in Python.

Decisions and Confusions: I decided to make two backends and one front-end. One backend will be using Django with GraphQL/RestAPI that will be running my AI models. The other backend is for the website. It will add users, chat, post, etc. I'm thinking of using TypeScript, Prisma, ExpressJS, GraphQL, MongoDB/PostgreSQL.

Please guide me to the latest and stable tech stack I can use. Because one of the requirements of our Final Year Project is to use the latest tech stacks. 1st Backend advice? (This will be used to run AI models) 2nd Backend advice? Frontend to 2nd Backend advice?

Thank you.

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Prisma's Features

  • Auto-generated and type-safe query builder for Node.js & TypeScript
  • Declarative data modeling & migration system
  • GUI to view and edit data in your database
  • Single source of truth for database and application models
  • Auto-completion in code editors instead of needing to look up documentation
  • Less boilerplate so developers can focus on the important parts of their app
  • Queries not classes to avoid complex model objects

Prisma Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Prisma?
AWS AppSync
AWS AppSync automatically updates the data in web and mobile applications in real time, and updates data for offline users as soon as they reconnect. AppSync makes it easy to build collaborative mobile and web applications that deliver responsive, collaborative user experiences.
Build a universal GraphQL API on top of your existing REST APIs, so you can ship new application features fast without waiting on backend changes.
An open source GraphQL engine that deploys instant, realtime GraphQL APIs on any Postgres database.
Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js and io.js. It supports the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL and features solid transaction support, relations, read replication and more.
It supports both Active Record and Data Mapper patterns, unlike all other JavaScript ORMs currently in existence, which means you can write high quality, loosely coupled, scalable, maintainable applications the most productive way.
See all alternatives

Prisma's Followers
966 developers follow Prisma to keep up with related blogs and decisions.