What is PureScript and what are its top alternatives?
PureScript is a strongly-typed functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript, allowing developers to write expressive and type-safe code that can be easily integrated into web applications. Key features include type inference, type classes, and a powerful type system that promotes correctness and safety. However, PureScript can have a steep learning curve for developers unfamiliar with functional programming paradigms, and its ecosystem may not be as robust as some other languages.
- Haskell: Haskell is a popular functional programming language known for its strong type system and elegant syntax. Key features include lazy evaluation, type classes, and purity. Pros: Robust type system, mature ecosystem. Cons: Steeper learning curve than PureScript.
- Elm: Elm is a functional programming language that focuses on simplicity and reliability for web development. Key features include a strong emphasis on usability and an architecture for creating robust web applications. Pros: Great for front-end web development, easy to learn. Cons: Limited interoperability with JavaScript.
- ClojureScript: ClojureScript is a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript and shares the same syntax as Clojure. Key features include immutable data structures and a focus on simplicity. Pros: Interoperability with JavaScript, powerful macro system. Cons: Limited tooling compared to PureScript.
- ReasonML: ReasonML is a functional programming language that is a friendly cousin of JavaScript, and can interoperate with it seamlessly. Key features include a familiar syntax for JavaScript developers and a strong type system. Pros: Easy to learn for JavaScript developers, good interop with JavaScript. Cons: Limited ecosystem compared to PureScript.
- Fable: Fable is a functional programming language that brings F# to JavaScript development. Key features include type safety and a seamless integration with popular JavaScript libraries. Pros: Excellent tooling, strong type system. Cons: Limited resources compared to PureScript.
- Scala.js: Scala.js is a Scala compiler that targets JavaScript, bringing the power of the Scala language to web development. Key features include scalability and interoperability with Java libraries. Pros: Strong type system, mature ecosystem. Cons: Less suited for front-end web development than PureScript.
- TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. Key features include gradual typing and great tooling. Pros: Easy to learn for JavaScript developers, good tooling support. Cons: Less emphasis on functional programming than PureScript.
- Rust: Rust is a systems programming language known for its focus on safety and performance. Key features include memory safety and zero-cost abstractions. Pros: Memory safety guarantees, excellent performance. Cons: Steeper learning curve than PureScript.
- Kotlin for JavaScript: Kotlin is a modern programming language that can compile to JavaScript. Key features include null safety and interoperability with Java. Pros: Easy to learn for Java developers, great tooling support. Cons: Less emphasis on functional programming than PureScript.
- ElixirScript: ElixirScript is a compiler that brings the Elixir programming language to JavaScript environments. Key features include the actor model and fault tolerance. Pros: Functional programming features, fault tolerance. Cons: Limited resources compared to PureScript.
Top Alternatives to PureScript
- Haskell
It is a general purpose language that can be used in any domain and use case, it is ideally suited for proprietary business logic and data analysis, fast prototyping and enhancing existing software environments with correct code, performance and scalability. ...
- Elm
Writing HTML apps is super easy with elm-lang/html. Not only does it render extremely fast, it also quietly guides you towards well-architected code. ...
- TypeScript
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. It's a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ...
- LiveScript
It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming. ...
- ClojureScript
ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It is designed to emit JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler. ...
- ReasonML
It lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems.It is powerful, safe type inference means you rarely have to annotate types, but everything gets checked for you. ...
- React
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it's easy to try it out on a small feature in an existing project. ...
- JavaScript
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. ...
PureScript alternatives & related posts
- Purely-functional programming90
- Statically typed66
- Type-safe59
- Open source39
- Great community38
- Built-in concurrency31
- Built-in parallelism30
- Composable30
- Referentially transparent24
- Generics20
- Type inference15
- Intellectual satisfaction15
- If it compiles, it's correct12
- Flexible8
- Monads8
- Great type system5
- Proposition testing with QuickCheck4
- One of the most powerful languages *(see blub paradox)*4
- Purely-functional Programming4
- Highly expressive, type-safe, fast development time3
- Pattern matching and completeness checking3
- Great maintainability of the code3
- Fun3
- Reliable3
- Best in class thinking tool2
- Kind system2
- Better type-safe than sorry2
- Type classes2
- Predictable1
- Orthogonality1
- Too much distraction in language extensions9
- Error messages can be very confusing8
- Libraries have poor documentation5
- No good ABI3
- No best practices3
- Poor packaging for apps written in it for Linux distros2
- Sometimes performance is unpredictable2
- Slow compilation1
- Monads are hard to understand1
related Haskell posts
Why I am using Haskell in my free time?
I have 3 reasons for it. I am looking for:
Improve functional programming skill.
Improve problem-solving skill.
Laziness and mathematical abstractions behind Haskell makes it a wonderful language.
It is Pure functional, it helps me to write better Scala code.
Highly expressive language gives elegant ways to solve coding puzzle.
- Code stays clean45
- Great type system44
- No Runtime Exceptions40
- Fun33
- Easy to understand28
- Type safety23
- Correctness22
- JS fatigue17
- Ecosystem agrees on one Application Architecture12
- Declarative12
- Friendly compiler messages10
- Fast rendering8
- If it compiles, it runs7
- Welcoming community7
- Stable ecosystem5
- 'Batteries included'4
- Package.elm-lang.org2
- No typeclasses -> repitition (i.e. map has 130versions)3
- JS interop can not be async2
- JS interoperability a bit more involved2
- More code is required1
- No JSX/Template1
- Main developer enforces "the correct" style hard1
- No communication with users1
- Backwards compability breaks between releases1
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React is awesome, but is just a view library, when we need to manage state, there is Redux.js. The ecosystem of redux is big, complex and hard to integrate. That's why we choose to create hydux. Hydux is simple, the main idea is from Elm, a pure functional vdom-based framework for front-end. We seperate the whole app with state, actions and views. Which means not only our views are a tree, but also our state and actions. Reuse state and actions are just like reuse react components, no need to consider dependences.
- More intuitive and type safe javascript173
- Type safe105
- JavaScript superset80
- The best AltJS ever48
- Best AltJS for BackEnd27
- Powerful type system, including generics & JS features15
- Compile time errors11
- Nice and seamless hybrid of static and dynamic typing11
- Aligned with ES development for compatibility10
- Angular7
- Structural, rather than nominal, subtyping7
- Starts and ends with JavaScript5
- Garbage collection1
- Code may look heavy and confusing5
- Hype4
related TypeScript posts
Our first experience with .NET core was when we developed our OSS feature management platform - Tweek (https://github.com/soluto/tweek). We wanted to create a solution that is able to run anywhere (super important for OSS), has excellent performance characteristics and can fit in a multi-container architecture. We decided to implement our rule engine processor in F# , our main service was implemented in C# and other components were built using JavaScript / TypeScript and Go.
Visual Studio Code worked really well for us as well, it worked well with all our polyglot services and the .Net core integration had great cross-platform developer experience (to be fair, F# was a bit trickier) - actually, each of our team members used a different OS (Ubuntu, macos, windows). Our production deployment ran for a time on Docker Swarm until we've decided to adopt Kubernetes with almost seamless migration process.
After our positive experience of running .Net core workloads in containers and developing Tweek's .Net services on non-windows machines, C# had gained back some of its popularity (originally lost to Node.js), and other teams have been using it for developing microservices, k8s sidecars (like https://github.com/Soluto/airbag), cli tools, serverless functions and other projects...
I picked up an idea to develop and it was no brainer I had to go with React for the frontend. I was faced with challenges when it came to what component framework to use. I had worked extensively with Material-UI but I needed something different that would offer me wider range of well customized components (I became pretty slow at styling). I brought in Evergreen after several sampling and reads online but again, after several prototype development against Evergreen—since I was using TypeScript and I had to import custom Type, it felt exhaustive. After I validated Evergreen with the designs of the idea I was developing, I also noticed I might have to do a lot of styling. I later stumbled on Material Kit, the one specifically made for React . It was promising with beautifully crafted components, most of which fits into the designs pages I had on ground.
A major problem of Material Kit for me is it isn't written in TypeScript and there isn't any plans to support its TypeScript version. I rolled up my sleeve and started converting their components to TypeScript and if you'll ask me, I am still on it.
In summary, I used the Create React App with TypeScript support and I am spending some time converting Material Kit to TypeScript before I start developing against it. All of these components are going to be hosted on Bit.
If you feel I am crazy or I have gotten something wrong, I'll be willing to listen to your opinion. Also, if you want to have a share of whatever TypeScript version of Material Kit I end up coming up with, let me know.
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- Functional and stable2
related ClojureScript posts
I adopted Clojure and ClojureScript because:
- it's 1 language, multiple platforms.
- Simple syntax.
- Designed to avoid unwanted side effects and bugs.
- Immutable data-structures.
- Compact code, very expressive.
- Source code is data.
- It has super-flexible macro.
- Has metadata.
- Interoperability with JavaScript, Java and C#.
- Pattern Matching4
- Type System3
- React1
- Bindings1
related ReasonML posts
- Components837
- Virtual dom673
- Performance578
- Simplicity509
- Composable442
- Data flow186
- Declarative166
- Isn't an mvc framework128
- Reactive updates120
- Explicit app state115
- JSX50
- Learn once, write everywhere29
- Easy to Use22
- Uni-directional data flow21
- Works great with Flux Architecture17
- Great perfomance11
- Javascript10
- Built by Facebook9
- TypeScript support8
- Scalable6
- Server Side Rendering6
- Speed6
- Easy to start5
- Feels like the 90s5
- Hooks5
- Awesome5
- Cross-platform5
- Closer to standard JavaScript and HTML than others5
- Easy as Lego5
- Functional5
- Excellent Documentation5
- Props5
- Scales super well4
- Allows creating single page applications4
- Sdfsdfsdf4
- Start simple4
- Strong Community4
- Super easy4
- Server side views4
- Fancy third party tools4
- Rich ecosystem3
- Has arrow functions3
- Very gentle learning curve3
- Beautiful and Neat Component Management3
- Just the View of MVC3
- Simple, easy to reason about and makes you productive3
- Fast evolving3
- SSR3
- Great migration pathway for older systems3
- Simple3
- Has functional components3
- Every decision architecture wise makes sense3
- Sharable2
- Permissively-licensed2
- HTML-like2
- Image upload2
- Recharts2
- Fragments2
- Split your UI into components with one true state2
- React hooks1
- Datatables1
- Requires discipline to keep architecture organized41
- No predefined way to structure your app30
- Need to be familiar with lots of third party packages29
- JSX13
- Not enterprise friendly10
- One-way binding only6
- State consistency with backend neglected3
- Bad Documentation3
- Error boundary is needed2
- Paradigms change too fast2
related React posts
I was building a personal project that I needed to store items in a real time database. I am more comfortable with my Frontend skills than my backend so I didn't want to spend time building out anything in Ruby or Go.
I stumbled on Firebase by #Google, and it was really all I needed. It had realtime data, an area for storing file uploads and best of all for the amount of data I needed it was free!
I built out my application using tools I was familiar with, React for the framework, Redux.js to manage my state across components, and styled-components for the styling.
Now as this was a project I was just working on in my free time for fun I didn't really want to pay for hosting. I did some research and I found Netlify. I had actually seen them at #ReactRally the year before and deployed a Gatsby site to Netlify already.
Netlify was very easy to setup and link to my GitHub account you select a repo and pretty much with very little configuration you have a live site that will deploy every time you push to master.
With the selection of these tools I was able to build out my application, connect it to a realtime database, and deploy to a live environment all with $0 spent.
If you're looking to build out a small app I suggest giving these tools a go as you can get your idea out into the real world for absolutely no cost.
Your tech stack is solid for building a real-time messaging project.
React and React Native are excellent choices for the frontend, especially if you want to have both web and mobile versions of your application share code.
ExpressJS is an unopinionated framework that affords you the flexibility to use it's features at your term, which is a good start. However, I would recommend you explore Sails.js as well. Sails.js is built on top of Express.js and it provides additional features out of the box, especially the Websocket integration that your project requires.
Don't forget to set up Graphql codegen, this would improve your dev experience (Add Typescript, if you can too).
I don't know much about databases but you might want to consider using NO-SQL. I used Firebase real-time db and aws dynamo db on a few of my personal projects and I love they're easy to work with and offer more flexibility for a chat application.
- Can be used on frontend/backend1.7K
- It's everywhere1.5K
- Lots of great frameworks1.2K
- Fast898
- Light weight746
- Flexible425
- You can't get a device today that doesn't run js392
- Non-blocking i/o286
- Ubiquitousness237
- Expressive191
- Extended functionality to web pages55
- Relatively easy language49
- Executed on the client side46
- Relatively fast to the end user30
- Pure Javascript25
- Functional programming21
- Async15
- Full-stack13
- Future Language of The Web12
- Its everywhere12
- Setup is easy12
- Because I love functions11
- JavaScript is the New PHP11
- Like it or not, JS is part of the web standard10
- Expansive community9
- Everyone use it9
- Can be used in backend, frontend and DB9
- Easy9
- For the good parts8
- Powerful8
- Can be used both as frontend and backend as well8
- No need to use PHP8
- Easy to hire developers8
- Most Popular Language in the World8
- Its fun and fast7
- Hard not to use7
- Versitile7
- Nice7
- It's fun7
- Popularized Class-Less Architecture & Lambdas7
- Agile, packages simple to use7
- Supports lambdas and closures7
- Love-hate relationship7
- Photoshop has 3 JS runtimes built in7
- Evolution of C7
- Can be used on frontend/backend/Mobile/create PRO Ui6
- Easy to make something6
- It let's me use Babel & Typescript6
- 1.6K Can be used on frontend/backend6
- Client side JS uses the visitors CPU to save Server Res6
- Scope manipulation5
- Clojurescript5
- Everywhere5
- What to add5
- Promise relationship5
- Stockholm Syndrome5
- Function expressions are useful for callbacks5
- Client processing5
- Only Programming language on browser4
- Because it is so simple and lightweight4
- Test21
- Hard to learn1
- Subskill #41
- Not the best1
- Easy to learn and test1
- Easy to understand1
- Easy to learn1
- Test1
- Hard 彤0
- A constant moving target, too much churn22
- Horribly inconsistent20
- Javascript is the New PHP15
- No ability to monitor memory utilitization9
- Shows Zero output in case of ANY error8
- Thinks strange results are better than errors7
- Can be ugly6
- No GitHub3
- Slow2
- HORRIBLE DOCUMENTS, faulty code, repo has bugs0
related JavaScript posts
Oof. I have truly hated JavaScript for a long time. Like, for over twenty years now. Like, since the Clinton administration. It's always been a nightmare to deal with all of the aspects of that silly language.
But wowza, things have changed. Tooling is just way, way better. I'm primarily web-oriented, and using React and Apollo together the past few years really opened my eyes to building rich apps. And I deeply apologize for using the phrase rich apps; I don't think I've ever said such Enterprisey words before.
But yeah, things are different now. I still love Rails, and still use it for a lot of apps I build. But it's that silly rich apps phrase that's the problem. Users have way more comprehensive expectations than they did even five years ago, and the JS community does a good job at building tools and tech that tackle the problems of making heavy, complicated UI and frontend work.
Obviously there's a lot of things happening here, so just saying "JavaScript isn't terrible" might encompass a huge amount of libraries and frameworks. But if you're like me, yeah, give things another shot- I'm somehow not hating on JavaScript anymore and... gulp... I kinda love it.
How Uber developed the open source, end-to-end distributed tracing Jaeger , now a CNCF project:
Distributed tracing is quickly becoming a must-have component in the tools that organizations use to monitor their complex, microservice-based architectures. At Uber, our open source distributed tracing system Jaeger saw large-scale internal adoption throughout 2016, integrated into hundreds of microservices and now recording thousands of traces every second.
Here is the story of how we got here, from investigating off-the-shelf solutions like Zipkin, to why we switched from pull to push architecture, and how distributed tracing will continue to evolve:
(GitHub Pages : https://www.jaegertracing.io/, GitHub: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger)
Bindings/Operator: Python Java Node.js Go C++ Kubernetes JavaScript OpenShift C# Apache Spark