I would recommend to try out LoopBack 4 for the following reasons:
- Your current project uses LoopBack 3. It would be easier to find the functional parity. We have built migration guides and tools for that purpose - see https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/migration-overview.html
- We heard you about the documentation and have rolled out a lot of improvements recently. Please check out https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4.
- LoopBack 4 has built in a few powerful patterns for great extensibility and composability and you'll find them very valuable for you to build complex solutions.
- IMO, NestJS is great and its strength is in handling incoming requests. LoopBack goes beyond that to facilitate integration with backend data and services.
Disclaimer: I'm a maintainer of LoopBack project. You're welcome to raise more questions on our Slack channel - https://join.slack.com/t/loopbackio/shared_invite/zt-8lbow73r-SKAKz61Vdao~_rGf91pcsw
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